Customer Council Open Letter 2023
An open letter from the AGL Energy Customer Council about the future of the energy transition.
Read articleAn open letter from the AGL Energy Customer Council about the future of the energy transition.
Read articleThe actions taken today will determine whether all Australians will have an equal opportunity to participate in and benefit from the energy transition. We call upon governments, policymakers, regulators, industry, consumer advocates and peak bodies to work together to ensure the energy transition provides equitable outcomes for all consumers.
AGL welcomes the opportunity to comment on the Australian Energy Regulator’s abovementioned Consultation Paper.
AGL provided its feedback on a number of changes proposed by the Commission to help households access cheaper energy deals, increase support for people experiencing payment difficulty and deliver more protections for consumers.
AGL Energy (AGL) welcomes the opportunity to make a submission to the Australian Energy Regulator (AER) on AusNet Gas Services’ (AusNet) access arrangement variation proposal. AGL also recognises the extensive consultation process undertaken by AusNet in the development of their proposal.
AGL welcomes the opportunity to comment on the Australian Energy Regulator’s abovementioned Consultation Paper.
AGL provided its feedback on a number of changes proposed by the Commission to help households access cheaper energy deals, increase support for people experiencing payment difficulty and deliver more protections for consumers.
AGL Energy (AGL) welcomes the opportunity to make a submission to the Australian Energy Regulator (AER) on AusNet Gas Services’ (AusNet) access arrangement variation proposal. AGL also recognises the extensive consultation process undertaken by AusNet in the development of their proposal.
AGL welcomes the opportunity to provide responses to the consultation questions posed by the Australian Energy Market Operator in relation to the Consumer Energy Resources (CER) Data Exchange.
AGL Energy welcomes the opportunity to make a submission in response to the Clean Energy Regulator’s (CER) discussion paper entitled ‘Enabling deep, liquid, transparent and accessible carbon markets in Australia’.
AGL Energy (AGL) welcomes the opportunity to provide responses to the consultation questions posed by the Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO) in response to the abovementioned Consultation Report.
AGL Energy (AGL) welcomes the opportunity to provide responses to the consultation questions posed by the Australian Energy Market Commission (AEMC) in response to the abovementioned Consultation Paper.
AGL Energy welcomes the opportunity to make a submission in response to the State Planning Commission’s draft Greater Adelaide Regional Plan (Draft GARP).
AGL welcomes the opportunity to provide feedback to proposed changes to the GreenPower program rules.
AGL welcomes the opportunity to contribute to the Exposure Draft of the Carbon Credits (Carbon Farming Initiative) Amendment (2024 Measures No.2) Rules 2024.
AGL responds to ARENA’s consultation questions on the Battery Breakthrough Initiative, providing feedback around the program’s outcomes and design.
AGL broadly supports environmental reforms underway, and the Nature Repair Market (NRM)’s aim to provide positive outcomes to biodiversity. However, we hold some concerns around the operation of the scheme and lack of clarity around scheme outcomes and performance measures.
AGL Energy (AGL) welcomes the opportunity to provide responses to the consultation questions posed by the Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal (IPART) in response to the abovementioned Consultation Paper.
AGL supports the draft rule’s intent to more effectively integrate consumer energy resources (CER), and other unscheduled price-responsive resources (UPRR), into the electricity system for the benefit of all energy users. The rule change consultation process has highlighted the underlying challenges of integrating CER and UPRR into a market and operational framework designed for market generators exclusively focused on market dispatch.
AGL has provided a response to the Australian Energy Market Commission’s Directions Paper on additional consumer safeguards for the Accelerating Smart Meter Deployment rule change.
AGL strongly supports the Australian Government’s ambition to meet its long-term ambition of net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. We commend the government’s focus on developing a National Energy Workforce Strategy (NEWS) to support the development of the workforce required to enable the energy transition and help deliver on this net zero ambition.
AGL recognises the important role of both the NSW Energy Savings Scheme (ESS) and Peak Demand Reduction Scheme (PDRS) in achieving the Energy Security Safeguard objectives of ensuring the energy system is “more reliable, affordable and sustainable” . We note our broad support for both schemes, given their likely positive efficiency and cost impacts for scheme participants, and ultimately, NSW customers. While it is too early in the PDRS’ implementation to discern whether the scheme is meeting its objectives, we believe the ESS scheme objectives and design remains largely relevant. As a liable entity within both schemes, AGL has proudly met its targets every year since the scheme’s inception and is committed to its ongoing role in decarbonisation and supporting a more reliable and affordable energy system.
AGL Energy welcomes the opportunity to make a submission in response to the Australian Government’s Transport and Infrastructure Net Zero Consultation Roadmap.
AGL has provided a response to Energy Safe Victoria in relation to its consultation on draft Energy Infrastructure Safety Case Guidelines.
AGL welcomes the opportunity to provide input into the NSW Government’s Future Jobs and Investment Authorities Issues Paper.
AGL has made a submission on the Orderly Exit Management Framework (OEMF). While AGL is committed to leading a responsible and orderly transition towards a low-emissions economy, the submission highlights a number of concerns with the framework.
The Essential Services Commission of Victoria has commenced its review of the Energy Retail Code of Practice.
AGL has made a submission to the Australian Energy Market Operator review of the ST PASA recall process submission suggesting the proposed change not be implemented as it will increase the cost and decrease the efficiency of the process.
AGL Energy welcomes the opportunity to make a submission in response to the Low Carbon Liquid Fuels Consultation Paper: A Future Made in Australia – Unlocking Australia’s low carbon liquid fuel opportunity.
AGL Energy (AGL) welcomes the opportunity to provide feedback to the Commonwealth Government on its Consultation Paper A Future Made in Australia: Unlocking Australia’s Green Iron, Steel, Alumina and Aluminium Opportunity.
AGL provided feedback on the draft PDRS Method Guide regarding the proposed evidence requirements for battery activities under the scheme.
AGL has made a submission to the Australian Energy Market Commission Retailer reliability obligation (RRO) exemption for scheduled bi-directional units rule change supporting the proposal to exempt grid scale batteries from the RRO, suggesting pumped hydro should be exempt from the RRO, and suggesting the RRO is due a full review.
AGL Energy (AGL) welcomes the opportunity to comment on the Australian Energy Market Commission’s (AEMC) draft rule determination to encourage transmission network service providers (TNSPs) to conduct early works for actionable ISP projects
AGL strongly supports the expansion of Minimum Standards for rental properties and rooming houses in Victoria to include requirements around ceiling insulation, draughtproofing, energy efficiency heating and cooling, as well as a broader move towards electrification.
AGL has provided a response to the Australian Energy Regulator in relation to its Review of Payment Difficulty Protections in the National Energy Customer Framework Issues Paper.
AGL welcomes the New South Wales Government’s review of Long Duration Storage (LDS) and emphasizes the crucial role of technologies like Pumped Hydro Energy Storage (PHES) in Australia’s energy transition.
AGL endorses the AEMC's draft determination, which empowers the Australian Energy Regulator to conduct separate, targeted ex post reviews on capital expenditure for both Integrated System Plan (ISP) and non-ISP projects.
AGL has provided a response to the Essential Services Commission in relation to its Payment Difficulty Framework Guideline - Draft for Consultation.
AGL has made a submission to the Australian Energy Market Commission Transmission access reform consultation paper, suggesting that the proposed congestion relief market and priority access mechanism be abandoned.
AGL Energy (AGL) welcomes the opportunity to respond to the Australian Energy Regulator’s (AER) draft amendments to the revenue determination guideline for NSW non-contestable projects.
AGL welcomes the opportunity to provide input into the Public Exhibition of the Draft Muswellbrook Shire Community Benefit Fund (MSCBF) Policy and Draft MSCBF Advisory Committee Terms of Reference.
AGL welcomes the opportunity to respond to the consultation paper on the Solar Sunshot program
AGL has provided a response to the Australian Energy Market Commission in relation to its Draft Determination on Accelerating Smart Meter Deployment in the National Energy Market (excluding Victoria and Tasmania).
AGL welcomes the opportunity to provide input into Australian Government’s Electricity and Energy Sector Plan discussion paper.
AGL Energy (AGL) welcomes the opportunity to provide feedback to the Climate Change Authority on its issues paper to support the delivery of its advice on Australia’s 2035 emissions reduction targets.
AGL welcomes the opportunity to provide feedback on the AER’s issues paper, released as part of the development of its Wholesale Market Monitoring and Reporting Guideline.
AGL supports maintaining the administered price cap (APC) at $600/MWh, as this better reflects true generator costs and addresses issues seen during the June 2022 NEM market suspension. AGL advocates for indexing the APC to the Consumer Price Index (CPI) to keep it aligned with market conditions and reduce the likelihood of market interventions.
AGL Energy (AGL) welcomes the opportunity to provide feedback on the Australian Energy Regulator (AER) South West Queensland Pipeline form of regulation review discussion paper.
AGL Energy (AGL) welcomes the opportunity to provide feedback to the Commonwealth on the proposed implementation of the Capacity Investment Scheme (CIS).
AGL supports the Australian Energy Regulator's (AER) draft rule, granting them authority to enforce ringfencing obligations on Transmission Network Service Providers (TNSPs).
AGL is disappointed that the AEMC has decided not to adopt the Clean Energy Council’s (CEC’s) proposed self-assessment, type pathways, materiality guidelines, and conditional approval.
AGL has provided a response to the Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action in relation to its consultation paper on the introduction of customer co-payments and warranty requirements under the Victorian Energy Upgrades program.
AGL has provided a response to the Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action in relation to its consultation paper on the inclusion of induction cooktops under the Victorian Energy Upgrades program.
AGL has provided a response to the Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal in relation to its consultation paper on operational changes to scheme participant compliance processes for the NSW Energy Saving Scheme (ESS) and Peak Demand Reduction Scheme (PDRS).
AGL has provided a response to the Australian Energy Regulator in relation to its draft guidelines and explanatory statement for the 2024 review of the Compliance Procedures & Guidelines.
AGL welcomes the opportunity to respond to the consultation paper on the Victorian Energy Jobs Plan (VEJP).
AGL Energy (AGL) welcomes the opportunity to make a submission in response to South Australia’s Draft Climate Change and Greenhouse Emissions Reduction (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill 2024 (the Draft Bill).
AGL has provided a response to the Australian Energy Market Commission in relation to its review into the arrangements for failed retailers’ electricity and gas contracts.
L Energy (AGL) welcomes the opportunity to provide feedback on the AEMC’s Consultation Paper (the Consultation Paper) regarding GloBird Energy’s (GloBird) rule change request to shorten the settlement cycle in the National Electricity Market (NEM) from 20 business days following the end of a billing period (as is current practice), to 10 business days.
AGL supports the Department's efforts to drive investment for Australia's energy transition and decarbonisation.
In the submission, AGL supported the option that covers the evening peak from 4pm to 8pm. We consider this option provides greater liquidity, is more focused, aids retailers, benefits generators/storage, and aligns well with four-hour batteries
AGL has provided a response to the Australian Energy Regulator on its draft Performance Reporting Procedures and Guidelines.
AGL has provided a response to the Victorian Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action on its Regulatory Impact Statement for proposed bans to telemarketing and doorknocking under the Victorian Energy Upgrades Program.
AGL Energy welcomes the opportunity to provide responses to the consultation questions posed by the Australian Energy Regulator in response to the Customer Engagement draft toolkit.
AGL has responded to the Australian Energy Regulator Annual Compliance Order (ACO) for gas pipeline service providers 2024 consultation.
AGL has responded to AEMO’s proposed amendments to the Gas Statement of Opportunity (GSOO) Procedures, endorsing the inclusion of hydrogen, biomethane, and other renewable gases in the national gas regulatory framework.
In our submission, AGL emphasises the importance of AEMO’s Integrated System Plan. The plan is a crucial document in managing the transition towards net zero at the least cost, while also providing secure, reliable and affordable energy to consumers.
AGL welcomes the opportunity to respond to the consultation on the climate-related financial disclosure exposure draft legislation.
AGL Energy (AGL) welcomes the opportunity to comment on the proposed Orderly Exit Management Framework (the proposed framework).
AGL Energy (AGL) welcomes the opportunity to comment on to the First Nations Clean Energy Strategy consultation paper.
AGL has responded to the Australian Energy Market Commission Enhancing reserve information draft determination.
AGL welcomes the opportunity to provide input into the NSW draft energy policy framework.
AGL Energy (AGL) welcomes the opportunity to respond to the Australian Energy Market Commission (AEMC) Improving Security Frameworks – transitional services update paper.
AGL welcomes the opportunity to respond to the consultation paper on the NSW Renewable Fuel Scheme draft rule.
AGL has responded to the Australian Energy Market Commission Review into electricity compensation frameworks consultation paper.
AGL considers mandatory PFR as inefficient and advocates for a market-driven incentive mechanism.
AGL has made a submission on Gas Compensation and Dispute Resolution Frameworks advocating for a new gas compensation framework that incorporates opportunity costs, which are crucial to a participant’s short-run marginal cost (SRMCT) and market sustainability.
AGL has responded to the Australian Energy Market Commission draft rule determination for the calculation of the system strength quantity component of the system strength charge.
AGL has responded to the Australian Energy Market Commission draft rule determination for the calculation of the system strength quantity component of the system strength charge.
AGL welcomes the opportunity to contribute to strengthening the Climate Active (CA) program so that customers can better understand and make informed choices around products with associated environmental claims.
AGL Chief Operating Officer Markus Brokhof highlights AGL’s support for the potential role of offshore wind in the transformation of Australia’s energy system.
AGL welcomes the opportunity to provide input into the NSW Renewable Fuel Scheme discussion paper on scheme expansion.
AGL has responded to the Australian Energy Market Operator Project Energy Connect implementation directions paper supporting AEMO’s position that negative settlement residue auction units should not be deducted from unit holders.
AGL welcomes the opportunity to provide input into the Australian Government’s Future Gas Strategy.
An open letter from the AGL Energy Customer Council about the future of the energy transition.
AGL has provided a response to Treasury on their Design Paper for operational enhancements for the CDR.
AGL supports the intent of the consultation paper to increase the number of activities within the Peak Demand Reduction Scheme (PDRS).
AGL has provided a response to Treasury to expand CDR under proposed amendments to the Competition and Consumer (CDR) Rules 2020.
AGL has provided a response to Treasury on their review of CDR consent mechanisms.
AGL has responded to the Australian Energy Market Commission review of the retail reliability obligation supporting the 14 recommendations and suggesting additional improvements that could be made in the long-term interests of consumers.
AGL has responded to the Australian Energy Market Commission draft rule determination on the amendment of the administered price cap, consumer price threshold, and market price cap supporting the changes to these settings.
AGL has responded to Australia’s Guarantee of Origin Scheme Design Paper which builds on stakeholder consultation from 2020 through to 2023 and provides further detail on scheme design.
AGL supports an enduring certification for renewable electricity and welcomes the opportunity to respond to the Renewable Electricity Guarantee of Origin Approach Paper.
AGL has responded to the Australian Energy Market Operator Structure of gas participant fees draft report and determination supporting a separate fee consistent with the gas bulletin board (GBB) fee structure, for the East coast gas system (ECGS) reform program fee.
AGL welcomes the opportunity to provide input to Victoria’s Renewable Gas Consultation Paper.
AGL has provided a response to the Australian Energy Market Commission’s (AEMC) second round of consultation on how to unlock the benefits of consumer energy resources (CER) through the introduction of flexible trading.
AGL has provided a response to the Economic Regulatory Authority’s Draft Decision on their update to the Gas Customer Licence Obligations.
AGL has responded to the ACCU Review Discussion Paper, which focuses on how to implement several recommendations from the Independent Review of Australian Carbon Credit Units.
AGL has responded to the Australian Energy Market Commission Operating Reserve market directions paper supporting the proposal to publish storage and state of charge information and also to make purchasing FCAS on a regional basis routine.
AGL has responded to Australian Energy Market Commission Clarifying mandatory primary frequency response obligations for bidirectional plant consultation paper supporting the proposal to extend mandatory PFR to batteries when discharging, charging and when providing regulatory FCAS.
AGL has made a submission to the Federal Department of Energy, Environment, Climate Change and Water (DCCEEW) on its proposed Capacity Investment Scheme.
AGL has made a submission in response to several consultations on how the energy market bodies will apply the emissions component of the national energy objectives.
AGL welcomes the opportunity to provide input into SA’s energy transition needs through the South Australian Government’s holistic Green Paper/White Paper process.
The Queensland Government sought stakeholder feedback following its Review into the Queensland Electrical Safety Act and the state’s electrical safety framework.
AGL has provided input into the design of the Australian Government’s Hydrogen Headstart grant program.
AGL supports the CRFD framework development and how it will feed into the Treasury’s sustainable finance agenda, improving transparency for markets and encouraging investment in Australia.
The Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Change is proposing to ban high risk marketing activities, including unsolicited cold calling and doorknocking under the Victorian Energy Upgrades program.
AGL supports an appropriately ambitious 2035 emissions reduction target that will allow all stakeholders and communities to plan for the future.
The Australian Energy Regulator has put forward a rule change through the Australian Energy Market Commission to remove its three yearly obligation to update and administer Electricity Consumption Benchmarks.
AGL has provided a response to the Energy Minister’s Consultation on Stage 2 of the Reliability and Supply Adequacy Framework for the East Coast Gas Market.
AGL has provided a response to the Australian Energy Regulator on their review of gas distribution network reference tariff variation mechanism and declining block tariffs. Release of this issues paper is the first step in their review of how gas distribution reference tariffs are varied from year to year and their structure.
AGL has responded to Australian Energy Regulator Options to address gaps in transmission ring-fencing framework consultation paper supporting the proposal to extend the ringfencing framework to contestable connections.
AGL broadly supports Endeavour Energy’s application for a trailer waiver through the Australian Energy Regulator’s Energy Innovation Toolkit. Endeavour is proposing to roll-out approximately 10,250 meters to residential customers in select regions of New South Wales to address network-specific issues through an expedited Meter Fault Notification process.
AGL has responded to the Australian Energy Market Commission’s draft report on compliance with, and enforcement of, CER technical standards in the National Electricity Rules.
AGL supports the Australian Government’s ambition to introduce a market mechanism to incentivise investment in biodiversity, noting the importance of taking lessons from existing carbon and biodiversity markets in its design.
With appetite in the EV market growing, AGL is working to influence national EV policy to help give consumers access to cheap and low emissions transport, while also delivering benefits to the grid.
Proposed changes to calculating the cumulative price threshold for the Victorian Declared Wholesale Gas Market require further consideration and consultation.
AGL has responded to Energy Security Board’s Transmission access reform consultation paper suggesting that the proposed enhanced information reforms are adequate, that the proposed Congestion Relief Market has not passed a robust cost benefit analysis, and that the proposed Priority access mechanism will raise barriers to entry and exit in the NEM.
AGL has responded to AEMO’s draft determination on how they will allocate their costs for implementing the Consumer Data Right. Our submission supports their proposed approach of allocating fees on a $/NMI basis.
AGL has provided a response to Energy Security Board’s consultation paper on implementing the initial reforms through legislation.
AGL has provided a response to the Department of Customer Service’s consultation on the Statutory Review of the Gas and Electricity (Consumer Safety) Act 2017.
AGL has provided a response to the Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action consultation paper on whether further consumer protections for users of DER are needed to protect Victorian consumers.
AGL has provided a response to the Australian Energy Market Commission’s consultation paper on unlocking the benefits of CER through the introduction of flexible trading.
AGL has responded to the NSW Government Office of Energy and Climate Change South West Renewable Energy Zones Position Paper.
In its Decision Proposal 288, the DSB has proposed changes to the Non-Functional Requirements.
The Australian Energy Market Operator is proposing to automate the process for Metering Coordinators when applying for a Metering Installation Exemption.
The Essential Services Commission of Victoria is remaking the Gas Distribution System Code of Practice to make obligations fit for purpose, align the code with recent legislative changes and support policy development.
The Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action is consulting on revised fees for Victorian Energy Upgrades program providers.
AGL has responded to the Reliability Panel review of the form of the reliability standard and administered price cap issues paper suggesting that significant changes are not required.
The Australia Energy Regulator is seeking to make a determination under Section 37 of the Better Bills Guideline to include a message about the Commonwealth and State Government’s Bill Relief Rebate on the front page of customers’ bills.
AGL is supportive of the Government putting the settings in place to enable future offshore renewable energy projects in the Pacific Ocean off Hunter (NSW). A range of renewable energy technologies with complementary functions will be required to achieve a fully decarbonised electricity grid and we put forward a number of considerations as we continue to advocate for a lowest cost decarbonisation pathway to the benefit of industry and consumers.
AGL responded to the 2023-2030 Australian Cyber Security Strategy Discussion Paper with ideas on creating a safe, trusted, and secure digital environment, and making Australia a world-leader in cyber security.
The DSB is seeking stakeholder feedback on Noting Paper 296 – Offline Customer Authentication (CDR)
AGL has responded to the AEMC Efficient provision of inertia consultation paper supporting the creation of an inertia market in the National Energy Market.
AGL has responded to the Australian Energy Market Operator Structure of Participant Fees for the Consumer Data Right (CDR) declared National Energy Market project consultation paper.
AGL has provided commentary on the Federal Government’s National Battery Strategy Issues paper investigating the prospect of onshoring battery production in Australia.
AGL has responded to the Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO) consultation paper on how their costs relating to the National Energy Market 2025 reform program will be passed onto participants.
AGL supports the overall design of the proposed Safeguard Mechanism Reform and notes a number of issues for further consideration before scheme commencement.
AGL provides feedback to the Department of Social Services proposed Financial Counselling Industry Funding Model.
AGL has provided a submission to the Treasury on the Australian Government’s Climate-related Financial Disclosure consultation Paper.
AGL supports an enduring certification for renewable electricity.
AGL is supportive of the need to develop an enduring Product GO certification scheme to support claims on the emissions intensity of produced goods.
AGL Energy (AGL) welcomes the opportunity to respond to the Australian Energy Market Commission (AEMC) Accommodating financeability in the regulatory framework draft determination.
AGL has provided a submission to officials on the proposed legislative package to give effect to an emissions reduction objective in the National Electricity Law, the National Gas Law, and the National Energy Retail Law.
AGL is supportive of a National Energy Performance Strategy.
AGL has responded to the Australian Energy Market Commission improving security frameworks transitional services update paper supporting the proposed creation of two new contracts for system services under the Non-Market Ancillary Service transitional services framework.
AGL has provided detailed feedback in response to a number of recommendations in the AEMC’s Draft Report which aims to accelerate the installation of smart meters in the NECF jurisdiction.
AGL does not support the Australian Energy Regulator’s proposal for a ring-fencing class waiver to allow regulated distribution businesses to lease excess capacity from batteries funded through the Commonwealth Government’s Community Batteries for Household Solar Program.
AGL has provided a response to the Australian Energy Regulator’s Draft Report on Incentivising and Measuring Export Service Performance.
AGL has provided a submission to the NSW Government on the development of the NSW renewable fuel scheme, which has been established to support the development of green hydrogen production by placing a levy on gas users.
AGL Energy (AGL) welcomes the opportunity to respond to the Australian Energy Market Commission (AEMC) Clarifying mandatory PFR obligations for bidirectional plant directions paper.
AGL Energy (AGL) welcomes the opportunity to respond to the Australian Energy Market Commission (AEMC) Gas Compensation and Dispute Resolution Frameworks draft determination.
AGL provides feedback to the Australian Energy Regulator’s Flexible Export Limits Consultation.
The Australian Energy Regulator explores three potential reform pathways for the National Energy Customer Framework consumer protections and licensing regime.
AGL has made a submission to Federal Treasury on their Rule Maintenance Consultation.
AGL has made a submission in response to the Energy Security Board Transmission Access Reform Directions Paper.
AGL has made a submission in response to the Australian Energy Regulator Ringfencing Draft Guidelines.
AGL has provided a response to the Energy Security Board’s Directions Paper on Interoperability Policy.
AGL responded to the Essential Services Commission’s Unaccounted for Gas Benchmarks 2022 Review Draft Determination.
AGL has contributed a response to the National Energy Transition Authority Bill 2022 inquiry.
AGL has contributed a response to the Review of Australia’s Modern Slavery Act 2018 Issues Paper.
AGL supports the Australian Energy Regulator’s proposed changes for the next iteration of the Better Bills Guideline
AGL has responded to the Australian Energy Market Commission Operational Security Mechanism draft determination.
The Office of Energy and Climate change is expanding the NSW Energy Savings Scheme to include fuel switching activities.
As a leader in CER, AGL is actively interested in bringing the consumers’ view and interests into the development of a range of policies, regulations, and technical standards applicable to CER.
AGL has contributed a response to the NSW Network Infrastructure Strategy.
AGL welcomes the introduction of a National EV Strategy and its focus on the uptake of EVs as part of Australia’s decarbonisation ambitions.
AGL has contributed a response to the NSW EPA Draft Climate Change Policy and Action Plan.
AGL has responded to the Australian Energy Market Commission Transmission planning and investment review Stage 3 consultation paper.
The AER’s paper is designed to facilitate discussion on the future direction of network tariffs for batteries in the context of ongoing tariff reform.
Energy Queensland is proposing to introduce a mechanism that can curtail the output of inverters such as rooftop solar PV systems in emergency situations.
AGL has provided a response to the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner’s consultation on draft updates to the CDR Privacy Safeguard Guidelines.
AGL appreciates the opportunity to provide feedback on the Extension of AEMO Functions and Powers to manage supply adequacy in the East Coast Gas Market consultation paper.
AGL has contributed a submission for the offshore renewable energy infrastructure area proposed by the Commonwealth government for the Bass Strait off Gippsland.
AGL has provided a response to the Australian Energy Regulator’s consultation paper on how to incentivise and measure export service performance.
AGL has responded to IPART’s proposal to combine the PDRS and ESS audits
AGL has made a submission to the 2023 Corporate Emissions Reduction Transparency (CERT) report consultation.
AGL has made a submission to the Independent Review of Australian Carbon Credit Units 2022
AGL has made a submission to the 2022 Safeguard Mechanism Reforms
AGL has responded to the Australian Energy Regulator’s (AER) Issue Paper on their Connection Charge Guideline Review: static zero limits for micro embedded generators.
AGL has responded to AEMO's request for the AER to make a T-1 reliability instrument for SA, for the period January – March 2024. AGL's view is that the reliability instrument should not be made.
AGL has made a submission to the 2022 National GreenPower Accreditation Program Review
AG L has made a joint submission to the Australian Energy Market Commission Material Change in Network Infrastructure Project Costs draft rule determination.
AGL has made a submission to the Australian Energy Market Commission amending the administered price cap rule change.
AGL has responded to the Australian Energy Market Operator’s Draft Determination to amend the Market Ancillary Service Specification, introducing the very fast frequency control ancillary services markets.
AGL has responded to the Energy Security Board’s Data Strategy Initial Reforms Consultation Paper.
AGL supports a coordinated industry approach to developing technical standards for smart EV charging, it is too early to introduce such standards in Australia.
AGL has provided a submission to the Australian Energy Market Commission Recovering the cost of AEMO’s participant fees directions paper.
AGL has provided a submission to the Australian Energy Market Commission Transmission Planning and Investment review contestability options paper.
AGL has responded to the Victorian Transmission Investment Framework Preliminary Design Consultation paper and the Options Paper: Access for Victorian REZ's.
AGL has provided a submission to the NSW Government Office of Energy and Climate Change Central West Orana Renewable Energy Zone Draft Access declaration.
AGL has recently responded to the Australian Energy Market Commission’s Draft Determination on ‘Protecting customers affected by family violence’
AGL submissions on VEU consultations on replacing gas or old electricity hot water and cooling with more efficient electricity appliances.
AGL has made a submission to the Energy Security Board’s (ESB) consultation paper on a high-level capacity mechanism for the NEM.
AGL submission to the Victorian Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (DELWP) Consultation Paper on Voltage Management in the Victorian Electricity Distribution Networks
AGL has provided a response to the AEMC and AEMO joint paper on the efficient provision of inertia in the NEM.
AGL has provided a response to the AEMC Transmission Planning & Investment Review stage 2 draft report.
AGL submission to Victorian Energy Upgrades Project-Based Activities (PBA) Issues Paper.
An open letter from the AGL Energy Customer Council about the future of the energy transition.
AGL has provided feedback on the Long Term Energy Service Agreements draft term sheets which are a key aspect of the NSW Electricity Infrastructure Roadmap.
AGL responds to the Australian Energy Regulator’s (AER) Retailer Authorisation and Exemption Issues Paper.
AGL has recently responded to the Energy Security Board’s Transmission Access Reform Consultation Paper as part of the Transmission and Access work stream.
AGL has recently responded to the NSW Government’s proposed Peak Demand Reduction Scheme (Rule 1) Consultation.
AGL submission supporting regulatory sandboxing for Victorian energy consumers
AGL submission supporting the inclusion of Home energy audits in the Victorian energy Upgrade scheme
With networks introducing dynamic operating envelopes to mediate customers' access to the grid, we explore the need for a customer-centric regulatory design.
AGL has made a submission to the Essential Services Commission in relation to its Draft Decision on the Victorian Default Offer for 2022-23.
AGL provides feedback on the Federal Treasury Consumer Data Right in the Telecommunications Sector: CDR rules and standards Design Paper.
Read AGL’s submission to AEMO’s Draft 2022 Integrated System Plan Addendum.
AGL has responded to the Gas Marketing Code Consultative Committee supporting the proposed changes to the Gas Marketing Code of Conduct.
Read AGL’s submission to AER’s Draft Determination on Default Market Offer prices.
AGL responded to the Essential Services Commission’s Energy Retail Licence Review.
The Australian Energy Regulator has released its draft Consumer Vulnerability Strategy which sets out objectives, outcomes and actions items to address key challenges in the energy system for customers experiencing vulnerable circumstances.
AGL has recently responded to the ACCC’s proposed amendments to the Broadband Speed Claims Industry Guidance.
AGL has responded to the Treasury’s Consultation Paper on Supporting the adoption of electronic invoicing in Australia.
The South Australian Government is consulting on options to accelerate the adoption of smart meters in South Australia.
AGL responds to the latest rule change request to the Australian Energy Market Commission proposing to introduce a regulated family violence framework in NECF.
Read AGL’ formal submission to The NSW Government Department of Planning Industry and Environment’s consultation on developing solutions to barriers customers and businesses face in the energy sector transition.
Read AGL’s formal submission to the South Australian Government’s review of its licensing requirements under the Electricity Act 1996 for electricity generation, transmission, distribution, and system control functions in light of the evolving electricity market.
Read AGL’s submission to the ESB’s Initiation Paper that outlines further design work on the proposal for a capacity mechanism in the NEM.
Read AGL’s response to AEMO’s Draft Integrated System Plan.
AGL provides a range of recommendations on an assessment framework by the Energy Security Board as part of their delivering of the Post 2025 DER Implementation Plan.
AGL has recently responded to the Australia Energy Regulator (AER) draft Better Bills Guideline consultation.
In response to the ESB's Customer Insights Collaboration, AGL has made a formal submission, elaborating a range of insights recommended for consideration.
In a submission to the Energy Security Board, AGL expressed concern regarding the proposed Congestion Management Model, and queried whether a change to the current open access regime is needed.
AGL provided feedback to the Essential Service Commission on the recent Energy Retail Code of Practice Final Decision. Read the submission here.
AGL comments on the Australian Energy Regulator's (AER) current consultation on the development of the Customer export curtailment value (CECV) methodology.
AGL has provided its findings and data to the Essential Services Commission as part of the review into the regulated Payment Difficulty Framework in Victoria
The Victorian Government Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (DELWP) is currently consulting on the concept of a Market Facilitation Platform, other measures, to better facilitate access to Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs) for the small-to-medium sized commercial and industrial businesses. AGL elaborates on a range of matters DELWP should take into consideration in its assessment in a formal submission.
On 21 October, jurisdictional energy officials released a consultation paper to identify and develop amendments to the National Gas Law (NGL), the National Energy Retail Law (NERL) and Regulations. AGL has made a submission in response to the issues raised in the consultation paper.
The Energy Security Board (ESB) recently consulted on their proposed Data Strategy. The Data Strategy includes 32 recommendations across four pillars.
The Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO) published a Second Draft Determination on its Amendment of the Market Ancillary Service (MASS) Specification – DER and General Consultation. The Second Draft Determination follows AEMO’s further consideration and analysis (undertaken through the University of Melbourne).
On 21 September 2020, the Australian Energy Market Commission (AEMC) received a rule change request from Dr Kerry Schott AO. The request seeks to introduce new governance arrangements for setting technical standards for distributed energy resources (DER) in the national electricity market (NEM).
AGL has recently made a submission to the Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal’s Draft Report on the performance and competitiveness of the retail electricity market in the NSW 2020-21.
AGL has recently made a submission in response to the Essential Services Commission’s Draft Decision on the Victorian Default Offer from 1 January 2022.
The Australian Energy Regulator (AER) is consulting on the development of Export Tariff Guidelines, to support distribution networks in the development of two-way pricing options.
AGL responds to EPWA’s proposed DPV Management model that addresses extreme load issues facing the Southwest Interconnected System.
The Australian Government is consulting on an exposure draft of proposed amendments to the Renewable Energy (Electricity) Regulations 2001.
The Victorian Government set a target for zero emissions vehicles (ZEVs) to account for 50 per cent of new light vehicle sales by 2030 as part of its Zero Emissions Vehicle Roadmap. This target was set in May 2021 as part of a commitment to reach net zero emissions by 2050 under the Climate Change Act 2017.
Energy Policy WA’s consultation considers the complexity of WA's energy governance and legislative framework due to regulatory arrangements having in the past been amended on a piecemeal basis and the barriers moving forward of an electricity framework which is no longer meets the challenges of a rapidly evolving energy industry.
The AEMC’s Directions Paper identifies inefficiencies in the national smart meter roll out and proposes a number changes to the regulatory framework for metering services which could optimise the speed of smart meter installations in the NEM.
In our previous article, we touched on some of the challenges of managing the increasing amount of rooftop solar energy entering the system,...
Australia has fallen in love with rooftop solar PV, leading the world in its uptake, with investment reaching almost eight times the worldwide...
AGL has made a submission to the Australian Energy Market Commission (AEMC) Capacity commitment and Synchronous service directions paper agreeing that a new approach to procure, value, and schedule essential system services in the NEM is needed to ensure efficient timely incentives for the provision of and investment in essential system services.
AGL has responded to the Australian Energy Market Commission (AEMC) Primary frequency response (PFR) incentive arrangements draft rule determination.
The Essential Services Commission is proposing a number of changes to the way energy retailers and distribution businesses self-report contraventions of the Victorian energy laws and regulations.
Read AGL’s submission to the Essential Services Commission of Victoria Making the Energy Retail Code a Code of Practice Review.
AGL submitted a response to the Energy Ministers' consultation on proposed amendments to the National Electricity Law and National Electricity Rules to incorporate CDR functionality.
Last year AGL signed up to the Valuable 500 and we launched our first Disability Action Plan to play our part in improving accessibility and inclusion for the 4.3 million people who live with disability in Australia.
AGL responded to the AEMC Transmission Planning and Investment Review consultation paper.
AGL recently responded to the Australian Energy Regulator’s (AER) Better Bills Guideline consultation. The Guideline will replace existing bill content requirements for energy retailers operating in the National Energy Customer Framework.
The Essential Services Commission sought feedback on the scope of the upcoming review into the effectiveness of the regulatory framework for customers experiencing financial difficulty paying their energy bills, the Payment Difficulty Framework.
AGL has responded to the AEMC’s draft determination on Integrating Energy storage systems in the NEM. The draft rule makes a number of changes to integrate storage into the NEM, and also shape the rules to facilitate the future market where storage and hybrid systems are likely to play a much bigger role in firming up the growing amount of renewable energy.
The NSW Electricity Roadmap will deliver at least 12 GW of new renewable projects and 2 GW of long duration storage projects, through Long Term Energy Service Agreements (LTESA). On 10 September AGL provided feedback to the NSW Government on the proposed structure and terms of the LTESA. Read our submission here.
AGL urges Treasury to focus on getting the Draft Energy Rules right following energy sector feedback on Treasury’s latest consultation on the Consumer Data Right (CDR) in the energy sector: proposals for further consultation, August 2021 (Consultation), and the release of the energy specific CDR rules (Draft Energy Rules).
AGL recently responded to the Australian Communications and Media Authority’s (ACMA) proposal to introduce a Statement of Expectations for the telco industry which is aimed at improving outcomes for vulnerable consumers.
The South Australian Government is currently consulting on the implementation of the national regulatory framework to support the deployment of stand-alone power systems (SAPS).
The Australian Energy Regulatory (AER) is currently consulting on its DER integration expenditure guidance note, that is intended to guide the AER’s determinations on distribution networks expenditure proposals to support the integration of distributed energy resources (DER) with the electricity market system.
AGL has responded to the Department of Home Affairs’ consultation paper on options for regulatory reforms and voluntary incentives to strengthen the cyber security of Australia’s digital economy.
On the 24th of June 2021, the Australian Energy Market Commission made a draft decision not to require generators sized between 5 and 30MW to be scheduled.
AGL supports the CDR regime as an economy wide model that enables consumers to have access to, and control over, data that directly relates to them.
The Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO) is currently reviewing its Market Ancillary Service Specification (MASS) generally and in relation to DER participation in FCAS market. AEMO recently published its draft determination for consultation.
The Victorian Government is currently undertaking a review of embedded networks, following its election commitment to ban embedded networks in new residential apartment buildings.
On 6 August 2021, AGL made a submission to the Independent Competition and Regulatory Tribunal (ICRC) on the proposed ACT Retail Electricity (Transparency and Comparability Code Guideline.
AGL recently responded to the AER’s draft updated ring-fencing Guideline.
AGL has responded to the Victorian Government’s Gas Substitution Roadmap Consultation Paper.
How market forces and government policy must converge to drive adoption.
AGL recently responded to Treasury’s proposed amendments to the general CDR rules which are focused on increasing consumer accessibility to CDR in the banking sector
On 2 August 2021 AGL made a submission to the Federal Department of Industry, Science, Energy and Resources (DISER).
AGL has made a submission to the ESC’s draft strategy on ‘Getting to fair: breaking down barrier to essential services’.
AGL has responded to the Australian Energy Market Commission fast frequency response market ancillary service draft determination.
AGL has responded to the Australian Energy Market Commission draft rule determination on the efficient management of system strength in the NEM.
AGL urges the NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment (the Department) to fully consider the customer impacts resulting from the Department’s proposed changes to the NSW Social Programs for Energy Code (the Code).
As we transition to a new energy future, Australians are increasingly looking to live more sustainable lives – by minimising and mitigating their carbon emissions. But how does carbon offsetting work?
On 30 April 2021, the Energy Security Board (ESB) released its Post-2025 Market Design Options Paper.
In May, AGL responded to two Treasury papers on the consumer data right (CDR).
We’re partnering with Voices for Power to help improve energy literacy within culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) communities.
AGL made this submission in response to the Draft Distribution Annual Planning Report Template Consultation Paper.
AGL responded to the AEMC consultation paper on a rule change request from Infigen Energy that proposes a change to the non-energy cost recovery formulas.
In March, the Australian Energy Market Commission (AEMC) published its draft rule determination on access, pricing and incentive arrangements for distributed energy resources (DER).
AGL responded to the AEMC consultation paper on an urgent rule change proposal that seeks to ensure the national electricity market (NEM) can settle when regional demand is below 1 MWh.
For more than 180 years, AGL has been innovating with our customers to deliver increasingly simple and convenient experiences that provide choice, value and flexibility.
For more than 180 years, AGL has been innovating with our customers to deliver increasingly simple and convenient experiences that provide choice, value and flexibility.
On 21 May 2021 AGL made a submission to the NSW Government on its tranche 2 regulations options paper.
AGL and OVO join forces to bring Kaluza to Australia.
AGL has responded to the NSW Central-West Orana Renewable Energy Zones Access Scheme Issues Paper.
AGL has responded to the AEMC’s review of the Gas Supply Guarantee mechanism.
AGL has responded to the ACCC’s review of the LNG Netback Pricing Series which was introduced as part of the Gas Inquiry 2017-2021.
AGL has responded the Joint Committee on Intelligence and Security’s review of the Security Legislation Amendment (Critical Infrastructure) Bill 2020 which is currently before Parliament.
The Victorian Government is currently consulting on its Neighbourhood Battery Initiative, that will support trials of a range of neighbourhood battery models in Victoria, from feasibility through to implementation.
How will residential batteries change the operating conditions of distribution networks in the future?
The South Australian Government is currently consulting on the design of a road user charge for zero and low emissions vehicles (ZLEVs).
AGL has made a submission to the Department of Environment, Land, Water & Planning regarding the development of Renewable Energy Zones (REZs) in Victoria.
The South Australian (SA) Government is currently consulting on local demand response requirements for selected appliances and proposed amendments to local energy requirements for water heaters.
AGL has made a submission to IPART’s Issues Paper on the review of solar feed-in tariff benchmarks for 2021-22 to 2023-24.
AGL responded to two aspects of the Commonwealth Department of Industry, Science, Energy and Resources' Gas Fired Recovery Plan.
AGL welcomes the Australian Government’s focus on enabling consumer choice, stimulating industry development, and reducing emissions in the road transport sector.
The Clean Energy Regulator is currently consulting on the design of a new Corporate Emissions Reduction Transparency report (CERT), which is intended to assist National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting scheme reporters to show how they are meeting their emissions reduction goals.
AGL has responded to the Australian Energy Market Commission Financeability of ISP Projects Draft Determination.
AGL has responded to the Draft 2021 Inputs, Assumptions and Scenarios Consultation Feedback session.
The Commonwealth Senate Economics Legislative Committee is currently reviewing the COAG Reform Fund Amendment (No Electric Vehicle Taxes) Bill 2020 (Inquiry).
In October 2018, the Victorian Government announced an election commitment to ban embedded networks in new residential apartment buildings.
Infrastructure Victoria’s (IV) update to Victoria’s 30-year infrastructure strategy presents an important opportunity to recalibrate Victoria’s infrastructure priorities in response to the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic as well as the suite of evolving mega-trends impacting Victoria’s economy.
AGL responded to the AEMC’s option paper on Integrating Energy Storage Systems in the NEM. The options paper was broad but included a discussion on the participation framework for storage proponents in the NEM.
Did you know you can ‘Ask Alexa’ to help you monitor your energy usage? Amazon Alexa has developed an app so you can ask her to pay your bill, help you understand and manage your energy consumption, and even let you know when it’s the right time to turn off household appliances!
AGL responded to the Energy Security Board’s Stage 2 Consultation paper on the Renewable Energy Zones consultation paper.
The AEMC is currently considering a rule change request from Infigen Energy to introduce a reserve service in the NEM in tandem with consideration of a request from Delta Electricity to introduce a ramping service.
AGL has responded to both the electricity and gas fee structure draft reports with suggestions as to how AEMO can balance the National Energy Rule obligations to make the fee structures cost reflective and simple.
AGL has made a submission to the AEMC review into the effectiveness of the digital metering framework.
Energy Ministers have proposed a rule change to introduce a new framework to manage indistinct events.
Energy Ministers consider the current regulatory requirements placed on AEMO during market suspension may compromise AEMO's ability to focus on and prioritise power system security during these periods.
AGL advocates for rule certainty on bill requirements
AGL responds to AEMC frequency control directions paper
AEMC draft rule on semi-scheduled generator dispatch obligations
Victorian electricity distribution determination 2021-26
Our new online management tool, AGL for Business, makes energy accounting far easier for our commercial and industrial customers.
Draft regulatory amendments to increase transparency in the gas market
AGL promotes stronger governance for Australian Energy Regulator
AGL supports the Australian Energy Market Commission's (AEMC's) draft Rule to capture distributed energy resource (DER) technical standards as part of the National Electricity Rules (NER).
AGL recently responded to the Essential Services Commission Victoria (ESC) proposed amendments to the Compliance & Performance Reporting Guideline.
AGL encourages evidence-based rule making by the Australian Energy Market Commission.
Arrangements that will provide consumers the best outcomes from integrating Distributed Energy Resources into our electricity system.
The key decision-makers in integrating Distributed Energy Resources into our electricity system.
The rule change request submitted by the AEC on 15 December 2018 seeks to increase the participation of smaller generators in central dispatch to enable improved management of the power system and the efficient operation of the market.
Home batteries can play a key role in helping energy consumers take control of their energy usage and costs.
AGL has provided a submission in response to an AEMC consultation on rule change requests from TransGrid and ElectraNet which seek to change the economic regulatory framework for Integrated System Plan (ISP) projects.
To recognise International Day of People with Disability (3 December), two of our Disability Working Group members – Chris Nicholson-Doyle and Flora McGrath – share their experiences of living with, and caring for people, with a disability.
Chris Goodyear, Head of Legal – Major Projects, Operations and People, recently shared some of his experiences at AGL and how, as a business, we’re overcoming complex challenges and delivering exceptional outcomes for our customers and communities.
AGL has provided a submission in response to the release of the exposure draft of the Security Legislation Amendment (Critical Infrastructure) Bill 2020 as part of the cybersecurity reforms.
AGL has provided a submission to the Gas Reservation Scheme Issues Paper released by the Department of Industry, Science, Energy and Resources.
AGL has provided a submission for a rule change requested by AEMO seeks to improve and clarify AEMO's existing maintenance coordination function in the NGR, and to remove the inconsistency between the NGL and the NGR with regard to the definition of producer and storage provider.
AGL recently responded to the NSW Government Department of Planning, Industry & Environment’s (the Department) consultation on proposed changes to the NSW Social Programs for Energy Code.
AGL has made a submission in response to the AER’s Position Paper on the 2021-22 Default Market Offer for electricity customers in New South Wales, South Australia and South East Queensland.
AGL recently responded to the South Australian government’s draft Emergency Management (Electricity Supply Emergencies) Amendment Bill 2020 (Draft Bill) which proposed changes to the EM Act.
AGL recently responded to the Australian Energy Market Commission's (AEMC) Retailer of Last Resort (RoLR) review consultation.
AGL welcomes the AEMC’s proposed clarifications to the rules governing how market participants are compensated for the services they are directed by AEMO to provide.
AGL welcomes the AEMC’s draft rule to implement a framework for affected participant compensation for frequency control ancillary services (FCAS) losses.
At AGL, we believe progress is powered by our people. That’s why we’re showcasing our People Promise and the unique employee experiences we offer our people right across the business.
Our path towards reconciliation includes the development of a Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) – which we will launch later this year – but our vision remains to nurture respectful partnerships and create meaningful opportunities for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.
Alisha Bailey, Head of Digital Product and Experience in AGL’s Future Business and Technology team was recently awarded Digital Experience Leader of the Year in the 2020 Women in Digital Awards. Read her story.
AGL recently responded to the Australian Governments Data Availability and Transparency (DAT) Bill. Read more here.
The Department of Premier and Cabinet recently updated the Cyber Security Subplan arrangements to align with the new State Emergency Management Plan.
AGL recently responded to the AEMC’s rule change proposal for the Bill Contents and billing requirements rule change request from Minister Angus Taylor.
AGL recently responded to the Australian Competition & Consumer Commission’s (ACCC) consultation on the Consumer Data Right (CDR) Rules amendments.
AGL welcomes the opportunity to comment on the Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal (IPART)’s draft reports on the performance and competitiveness of the NSW retail electricity and gas markets in 2019-20, published on 29 September 2020.
AEMO reviews the allocation of the fees it incurs as the market operator every three to five years to ensure gas and electricity market participants are charged the fees on a simple cost-reflective basis.
As part of the Energy Security Board's post 2025 market design process the Australian Energy Market Commission (AEMC) is proposing to introduce locational marginal pricing (LMP) and financial transmission rights (FTRs) into the NEM.
AGL welcomes the opportunity to comment on the Energy Security Board’s Post-2025 Market Design Consultation Paper. The Post 2025 Market Design project provides a critical opportunity to assess and update the design of the National Electricity Market, to ensure it is fit for purpose for the energy transition that is underway.
From lighting Australia’s first gas street lamp in Sydney in 1841 to embracing new technology, we’ve been innovating to support Australian communities for more than 180 years. Today, we’re collaborating with customers, startups, entrepreneurs & other businesses to spark new ideas about how we better serve our customers.
In September 2020, the South Australian Government published a further Consultation Paper on the proposed Retailer Energy Productivity Scheme (REPS) focused on the activities, credits and targets of the REPS.
AGL recently responded to the Treasury Law Amendments (Measures for a later sitting) Bill 2020: amendments of the Consumer Data Right (CDR).
AGL made a submission to the AEMC's Integrating Energy Storage systems into the NEM consultation which considers a rule change proposal by AEMO to include two new participant categories in the NER.
AGL Energy (AGL) welcomes the opportunity to comment on the Victorian Government’s VRET 2 market sounding consultation.
Through the Energy for Life program, AGL has developed ‘Energy Advice Packs’ which contain information and advice for households about available support, retailer hardship programs and simple tips to save energy around the home.
In 2019, the Australian Energy Market Commission (AEMC) provided advice to the COAG Energy Council on regulatory sandbox arrangements to support proof-of-concept trials in the national electricity and gas markets, including proposed draft rules to implement these changes.
The Western Australian Energy Transformation Taskforce is currently consulting on one aspect of its Distributed Energy Resources (DER) Roadmap, that sets out the WA Government’s forward vision for the integration of the DER into the WA market over the next five years.
The Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO) is consulting on the content of initial minimum distributed energy resource (DER) technical standards.
When our VPP customers check their billing, they can now also see performance data about their solar & battery system. Hear more about this Australian-first digital experience from Dylan Verheijden, one of our unique customers who's also on the team behind the tech!
AGL Energy (AGL) welcomes the opportunity to comment on the Energy Security Board’s (ESB) consultation on the Interim Reliability Measure amendment to the RRO Trigger.
Today we’re pleased to announce our support for intersex communities across Australia and New Zealand by affirming the Darlington Statement.
We’re constantly examining the way we work to ensure that our people remain as safe as possible – especially during the COVID-19 pandemic.
We believe progress is powered by our people and we’re here to support them – always. Creating a flexible workplace means we can support our people to work in a way that best suits them.
This week, AGL committed to The Valuable 500, a global collective aiming to improve disability inclusion and accessibility. This makes us the first Australian energy company to join the collective!
A virtual power plant – it sounds so futuristic! And while VPPs are definitely part of our energy future, the concept is simple – and happening right now.
AGL recently responded to a consultation paper from the Department of Home Affairs on the reforms to critical infrastructure and systems of national significance as part of National Cyber Security Strategy.
AGL recently responded to the Victorian Default Offer 2021 Consultation Paper released by the Essential Services Commission, as part of its process for setting VDO prices to apply from 1 January 2021.
After more than 40 years, Wayne Godfrey – one of our longest-serving people – is retiring. Energy was a different world when he began – what did it look like?
AGL Energy (AGL) welcomes the opportunity to comment on the Energy Security Board Renewable Energy Zones Planning consultation paper.
AGL recently responded to the Australian Energy Market Commission’s (AEMC) Distributed Energy Resources (DER) Integration consultation.
Our progress is powered by people – so we’re here to support them however we can. Denise Ooi shares her unique story about flexibility.
AGL has responded to the Energy Security Board’s Renewable Energy Zones Planning consultation paper.
In the lead up to Father’s Day this Sunday, we caught up with Bryce Binnie and Daniel Vlahovic – two of our working parents – to see how COVID-19 has changed their perception of flexible working and allowed them to spend more time with their families.
AGL Energy (AGL) welcomes the opportunity to comment on the Australian Energy Market Commission (AEMC) maintaining life support customer registration when switching rule change.
Everybody has the right to be proud of who they are. But for Olivia – AGL’s first Pinnacle Foundation scholarship recipient – growing up as an LGBTI+ person in the Latrobe Valley wasn’t always easy.
AGL recently responded to the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission’s (ACCC) Consumer Data Right (CDR) Energy Rules Framework consultation.
AGL Energy (AGL) welcomes the opportunity to comment on the Australian Energy Market Commission (AEMC) System services rule changes consultation paper.
AGL Energy (AGL) welcomes the opportunity to comment on the Australian Energy Regulator’s (AER) Issues Paper, which considers semi scheduled generator rule changes as directed by the COAG Energy Council.
What do a civil engineer, a concert pianist, and a marketing creative have in common? They’re our Entrepreneurs in Residence – three people charged with coming up with unconventional solutions to the future’s problems.
Big data increasingly influences our daily lives. It takes someone with a very particular set of skills to interpret that data and turn it into results for our customers and communities – someone like Sarah Dods.
For almost two centuries, AGL has been focused on innovating to enhance the lives of Australians. Our Chief Customer Officer, Christine Corbett, explains how this is central part of our FY20 results.
The Victorian Essential Services (ESC) Commission is currently consulting on ways to improve the timeliness of negotiated electricity connections.
Our strategy and our Climate Statement come together in the belief that Australia’s energy future will be affordable and smart. Importantly, it will be low emissions based, helping tackle climate change.
Our Community team is made up of unique people who talk to communities and ensure their ideas and issues are heard. But what happens when communities are shut down by COVID-19 restrictions? You find a solution.
AGL Energy (AGL) welcomes the opportunity to comment on the Essential Services Commission Victoria’s (ESC) draft decision on supporting energy customers through the coronavirus pandemic 2020 released on 30 June 2020.
AGL recently made a submission to the Energy Security Board in response to its consultation paper on governance of Distributed Energy Resources technical standards.
Volunteering is vital always – but never more so than in the middle of COVID-19, when communities and charities are doing it tough. Our WA team is leading the way – and it’s reaping unexpected benefits.
AGL recently responded to the Australian Energy Market Commission’s consultation paper on the rule change request submitted by the Australian Energy Market Operator on the creation of a subordinate instrument for a minimum technical standard for distributed energy resources.
In June 2020, the South Australian Government published its Consultation Paper on the proposed Retailer Energy Productivity Scheme regulatory framework and activities.
AGL Energy (AGL) welcomes the opportunity to comment on the Australian Energy Market Commission’s (AEMC) consultation on compensation for market participants affected by intervention events, which considers two rule change proposals from the Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO).
AGL Energy (AGL) welcomes the opportunity to comment on the Australian Energy Market Commission’s (AEMC) consultation on compensation following directions for services other than energy and market ancillary services, which considers a rule change proposal from the Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO).
Butane is a useful gas, with almost limitless applications. In fact, you’ve probably used some today already with your own hands. And now we’re using it in a world-first to power one of our Queensland sites in a more sustainable and efficient way.
As the renewables market continues to mature, our generation portfolio is continuing to evolve so it can best meet the needs of the market with flexible and firming generation and storage.
AGL recently made a submission in response to the SA Government’s Consultation on Regulatory Changes for Smarter Homes, a copy of which is available here.
30 km of coal conveyors feed AGL Loy Yang. What happens when you need to clean spillage, but the right tool for the job doesn’t exist? If you’re the operators at Loy Yang, you draw on our history of supporting innovation – and you make your own.
Through COVID-19 and the recession, charities are forced to do more with less. Our people are finding innovative solutions to continue supporting the causes that are important to them – like virtual volunteering to help those experiencing homelessness.
AGL recently made a submission in response to the AEMC’s 2020 Electricity network economic regulatory framework review Approach Paper, a copy of which is available here.
AGL welcomes the opportunity to comment on this RIS, which provides a useful insight into some of the potential implications associated with the energy market transition, including maintaining power system security in a high renewables penetration scenario.
Balancing your career and your responsibilities as a parent is tough – and that was before the COVID-19 pandemic. Nat Pinder interviewed for a job while seven months pregnant – and as the best candidate for the job - she got it.
AGL recently responded to the Essential Services Commission Victoria’s consultation on amendments to the Electricity Distribution Code relating to customer service standards.
Education is key to breaking the cycle of poverty. One of our strategic partners, The Smith Family, helps young Australians from disadvantaged backgrounds succeed at school, so they can create better futures for themselves.
On 15 May, AGL made a submission in response to Energy Policy WA’s draft Behind-the-Meter Code of Practice (BTM Code), that has been developed alongside the proposed WA regulatory framework for alternative electricity services.
On 16 June, AGL responded to the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission’s (ACCC) interested party consultation regarding the Clean Energy Council’s (Applicant) Solar Retailer Code reauthorisation.
In November 2019 the NSW Government released the NSW Electricity Strategy. The NSW Energy Security Target & Safeguard Consultation Paper, which was released in May 2020, seeks feedback on the implementation of the Strategy’s Energy Security Target and the Energy Security Safeguard.
On 26 June, AGL made a submission in response to the WA Energy Transformation Taskforce’s Energy Transformation Strategy: Proposed Changes to the Electricity Networks Access Code, Consultation Paper, May 2020.
AGL Energy (AGL) welcomes the opportunity to comment on the Australian Energy Market Commission (AEMC) deferral of network charges rule change request.
In May 2020, the Commonwealth Government published its Technology Roadmap Discussion Paper: A framework to accelerate low emissions technologies. A copy of the paper is available here.
AGL has made a submission in relation to the Australian Energy Regulator’s Issues Paper on the regulatory proposals from the five electricity distribution networks in Victoria for five year period from 1 July 2021.
Perth Energy’s 120 MW Kwinana Swift Power Station underwent some delicate maintenance recently… involving us physically lifting the entire generator out of its housing. Have a look inside.
The Energy Security Board (ESB) recently published a consultation paper for an Interim Reliability Measure in the NEM.
As an essential service provider and a large employer in regional communities it’s important that we create shared value by partnering with the communities where we operate. We’ve asked them what they think and what they’d like to see from us.
COVID-19 has disrupted the way many of us work. How do we balance making sure our people are safe – while making sure our graduates and apprentices aren’t disadvantaged by circumstances out of their control?
We’re partnering with Voices for Power to help improve energy literacy within culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) communities.
As we transition into a new energy future, climate-related risks are a major consideration. That’s why we regularly model future scenarios in accordance with the TCFD.
AGL recently responded to the draft Designation Instrument for energy Consumer Data Right (CDR) released by Treasury on 6 May 2020.
The rise of renewable energy and the demand on the national grid is changing. There’s a pivotal need for generation that’s flexible – and that can respond to sudden peaks in demand within minutes. Why is that important – and what does it look like?
Many of us are currently balancing work, parenting, and remote schooling due to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. Even Mother’s Day looked a little different this year!
AGL recently responded to the Inquiry into future directions for the Consumer Data Right (CDR) announced by the Treasurer the Hon Josh Frydenberg MP.
AGL welcomes the opportunity to make a submission to the 2020 Review of the Emissions Reduction Fund Consultation Paper.
AGL welcomes the opportunity to make a submission in response to the COAG Energy Council’s Review of the Energy Security Board.
Safety is our number one priority on our generation sites. That’s why we put in place wide-ranging measures to stop the spread of COVID-19 onto our sites, which generate power for millions of Australians.
AGL Energy (AGL) welcomes the opportunity to comment on the Australian Energy Market Commission (AEMC) investigation into system strength frameworks in the National Electricity Market (NEM) discussion paper.
The coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has profoundly changed fundamental aspects of our daily lives. Many of us are working – and kids are studying – from home. At the same time, many services and businesses – for example, restaurants, shops, gyms, libraries - have had to close their doors, at least temporarily. So what is the cumulative impact of all these changes on electricity supply across the National Electricity Market (NEM)?
As an essential service provider, our people work in some of the toughest places on Earth – like the isolated, remote, 50°C Cooper Basin. But be it there, or in your home or business, safety is paramount.
AGL recently responded to the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission’s (ACCC) consultation on amendments to the Consumer Data Right (CDR) Rules ahead of the banking implementation on 1 July 2020.
How many dollars does it take to change tens of thousands of light bulbs? We know exactly how many: $500,000, every year, just in maintenance costs. That’s one of many reasons we’re upgrading our power station lighting to long-lasting LEDs.
COVID-19 has sent shockwaves around the world. A major concern for employees and employers alike is: how can we best protect people while they do their jobs?
This year marks the third year of the Gill Owen Essay Prize – a prize for young Australians who seek to build on Dr Owen’s legacy by discussing changes to policy which could improve our future outlook for energy efficiency and social equity – two areas in which Dr Owen campaigned tirelessly.
Tomorrow is Anzac Day, a day when we remember all Australians and New Zealanders who have served in wars, conflicts, peacekeeping, and disaster operations – especially those who have paid the ultimate sacrifice.
AGL has provided a submission to the Australian Energy Regulator on the impact of COVID-19 on the determination of the Default Market Offer Price for 2020-21.
The use of drone technology is rapidly growing, from amateur enthusiasts to trained and qualified pilots in steel caps inspecting industrial sites.
We're all feeling the burden of these challenging and uncertain times. As governments and businesses introduce new measures to prevent the spread of the pandemic, many of us find ourselves pondering the increasingly personal impacts of this 'new normal' – particularly those with caring responsibilities.
Over the past few weeks, working from home has become the norm for millions of people around the world.
AGL recently made a submission in response to the Australian Energy Market Commission’s (AEMC) 2020 Retail Competition Review: Electric Vehicles Issues Paper, a copy of which is available here.
AGL recently responded to two consultations run by CSIRO’s Data61 – the data standards body (DSB) for the Consumer Data Right (CDR).
It’s an unusual time for all of us. We know many of our customers are faced with an uncertain future as a result of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, which in many cases comes with increased financial stress.
AGL Energy (AGL) welcomes the opportunity to comment on the Statues Amendment (Electricity and Gas) (Energy Productivity) Bill 2020 (the Bill). Read more here.
The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic is beginning to be realised across the world – but people in Australian communities are stepping up to the crease to lend their mates a hand – however they can. One of those people is one of our people – Gary Cox, Business Improvement Specialist in our operational division.
AGL recently responded to the Data Standards Body (DSB) Data61’s technical consultation on electricity endpoint URI’s for the Consumer Data Right. You can read our full submission here.
AGL recently responded to the Essential Services Commission Victoria’s (ESC) consultation on back billing requirements on retailers and distributors.
We’re working responsibly and following the best advice from the government and medical authorities on COVID-19. Many of our people have roles that allow them to work from home, and those people are working remotely. But many of our people need to be on site to do their jobs and can’t work from home. Amanda Richardson is one of those people turning up at site to keep the lights on for millions of Australians.
AGL recently responded to the South Australia Government’s consultation on planned interruptions of energy supply derogation from the National Energy Retail Rules.
AGL welcomes the opportunity to provide comments to the Australian Energy Regulator (AER) in relation to the Draft Determination on the Default Market Offer (DMO) Price for 2020-21 as published on 10 February 2020.
The energy sector is infamously jargon-heavy, and even with a handy glossary of terms at your fingertips it can often be a tough slog reading about developments and issues in the energy industry. One rather abstract term cropping up more frequently is the ‘duck curve’ – but what is a duck curve? And what does it have to do with energy?
AGL recently responded to the ESC’s proposal on setting the maximum cap for embedded networks at the Victorian Default Offer (VDO). You can read our full submission here.
While AGL operates some of the biggest solar farms in Australia, there’s no doubt the smaller projects can have a big impact too – like the solar and battery system on the Devil Ark conservation facility in remote NSW.
How often do you find a mother and son working together in the new renewable energy sector? Well, that’s what Marion and Ken Birt do – and it works for them.
Generating energy for millions of Australians means AGL has operations in local communities across Australia - from the Western Downs to the Latrobe Valley, Mount Beauty to the Hunter Valley, and Torrens Island to Broken Hill.
AGL’s General Manager Data & Analytics, Dayle Stevens, talks with our Executive General Manager Group Operations, Doug Jackson, about the opportunities that big data presents for energy companies.
The devastating bushfire season has been unprecedented. Our communities on the eastern coast have now endured three extreme weather events back to back. There's been drought, the wide-spread bushfires, and – most recently – heavy rain and floods.
AGL has made a submission in response to the AEMC's System restart services, standards and testing draft rule determination.
AGL has made a submission to the AER on Jemena Gas Networks’ revised revenue proposal for the 2020-25 regulatory period.
At its meeting on 22 November 2019, the COAG Energy Council agreed to the Australian Energy Market Commission’s (Commission) Final Report recommendations and asked the Commission to provide advice on the required rule changes.
AGL Energy Limited (AGL) welcomes the opportunity to provide comment on the Australian Energy Market Commission’s (AEMC’s) Draft Determination and Rule (Draft Rule) ERC0275: Introduction of metering coordinator planned interruptions.
AGL recently responded to the Australian Energy Market Commission’s (AEMC) consultation on the review of consumer protections in an evolving market for both new energy and traditional retailers.
AGL Energy (AGL) welcomes the opportunity to comment on the Australian Energy Market Commission’s (AEMC) Short Term Forward Market draft determination (Draft Determination).
AGL Energy (AGL) welcomes the opportunity to comment on the Australian Energy Market Commission’s (AEMC) draft determination on the Victorian Jurisdictional Derogation to the Reliability and Emergency Reserve Trader (RERT) contracting arrangements.
AGL supports the introduction of an interim mandatory PFR requirement to address declining frequency performance in the National Electricity Market (NEM), while further reforms are implemented to appropriately value and reward provision of frequency control services. Our views on more detailed aspects of the draft rule are set out below.
Cyberattacks are a growing problem in the energy sector overseas. The first known successful cyberattack on a power grid happened in the Ukraine in December 2015 using phishing emails with attached hidden malware – it blacked out approximately 230,000 houses.
AGL Energy (AGL) welcomes the opportunity to provide comments on the regulatory proposals of Ausgrid, Endeavour Energy and Essential Energy (NSW networks) for the period 2019 to 2024.
In November 2019, the Victorian Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (DELWP) released a Green Hydrogen Discussion Paper is designed to inform the Victorian Hydrogen Investment Program (VHIP). A copy of that paper is available here.
As the energy mix in Australia continues to evolve to incorporate the rapid growth of renewable generation, new technologies are required to support, enable, and push us into the future. While this technological evolution can be as large in scale as turning cities that mine the earth into cities that mine the sun, it can also be much closer to home – like the evolution of the humble electricity meter.
AGL Energy (AGL) welcomes the opportunity to make a submission on the proposed changes to the Victorian Energy Upgrades.
AGL recently responded to the ACCC’s consultation paper on the participation of non-accredited third-party service providers within the Consumer Data Right (CDR) framework.
As an essential service provider and one of Australia’s oldest companies, we take our role in in the community seriously. We’re committed to our purpose, ‘Progress for Life’, which is a relentless determination to make things better for our customers, our communities, our planet, and our economy.
AGL has a long history in Australia – we’re 184 years old. And for many people, it’s almost a family business – just ask Jim and Jonathan Schroeter.
AGL Energy (AGL) commends the South Australian Government for its consultations on tenant access to energy efficiency technology in the private rental market and welcomes the opportunity to make a submission.
AGL recently responded to the Queensland Government’s consultation on the review of Queensland’s energy legislation – options paper.
Broken Hill is one of the oldest cities in Australia. The Silver City has been a mining town for more than a century. And according to AGL’s Adam Mackett, Broken Hill and nearby Silverton are going to continue being mining towns for decades to come – but they’re going to mining something very different.
The rapid uptake of renewable generation in Australia – especially rooftop solar, which ANU notes is the largest per-capita in the world – means our energy mix is evolving faster than ever.
While Australian consumers continue to lead the world in the uptake of solar installations, the market for other distributed energy resources (DER) is also maturing, including with respect to battery energy storage systems and electric vehicles.
According to a recent report by the ANU Energy Change Institute, Australia has about 9 GW of roof mounted solar PV deployed, which is by far the largest per capita rooftop-PV deployment in the world1. So how do energy retailers and infrastructure engineers ensure that people feel confident that their new solar panel, or their battery, or their electric vehicle charger is safe and performs as advertised? This is where Standards Australia comes in.
On 20 December 2019, AEMO published its Draft Report and Determination that sets out AEMO’s proposed approach to implementing the NEM customer switching reforms that would facilitate faster customer switching times.
AGL has made a submission to the AER on SA Power Networks’ revised revenue proposal for the 2020-25 regulatory period.
AGL supports the AEMC’s draft determination which provides AEMO will flexibility to refine and improve the existing marginal loss factor framework and methodology.
AGL recently responded to the Essential Services Commission Victoria’s (ESC) draft decision on clear and fair contracts. The draft decision includes 18 individual draft decisions for the implementation of recommendations 4A-4E and 3A of the Independent Review of Electricity and Gas Retail Markets Victoria (Thwaites review), as well as additional matters relating to back-billing and VDO messaging on bills.
AGL broadly supports the draft ISP rules, however believe that further consideration or clarification is still required on several issues, including the ongoing role of the Australian Energy Regulator.
The past few months have been tough. We have all been touched by the bushfires – no matter how far from the firefronts we may be, it is impossible to not be moved by the scenes spread across the news and on social media – and, for some, right on their doorstep.
The Australian Energy Regulator (AER) is currently consulting on whether its distribution network expenditure assessment framework is fit-for-purpose to assess distributed energy resources (DER) integration expenditure (Consultation Paper).
AGL recently responded to the Australian Energy Market Commission’s (AEMC) draft rule on regulating conditional discounts. We believe that there is currently insufficient evidence to support a decision by the AEMC at this time.
AGL Energy (AGL) welcomes the opportunity to comment on the Australian Energy Market Commission’s (AEMC) Draft rule determination on improving transparency and extending the duration of the medium-term projected assessment of system adequacy (MT PASA). AGL has also considered ERM Power’s interim submission to the draft rule in preparing this submission.
As many of us unwrap Christmas presents and settle in for dinner with family and friends, hundreds of people will be working at generation sites across Australia to keep the power flowing.
AGL has made a submission to the COAG Energy Council on the framework for gas pipeline regulation in Australia. You can read our full submission here.
AGL recently made a submission to the Select Committee on Financial Technology and Regulatory Technology. You can read our full submission here.
It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas… but how much energy does it take to light up all those Christmas lights? And more importantly, just how many Christmas lights could we light up?
AGL Energy (AGL) commends the New South Wales (NSW) Parliament for launching the inquiry into electric buses in regional and metropolitan public transport networks in NSW, and welcomes the opportunity to make a submission.
Our customers are at the centre of all we do at AGL. When they need to reach out to us, we’re focused on making that experience as simple and efficient as possible. Hear from our Chief Customer Officer, Christine Corbett , on what we’re doing.
We’re prepped and ready for the peak summer period. We’ve invested $150m in summer readiness, with preparations for this peak period starting at the end of last summer.
In November 2019, AGL made a submission on IPART’s draft reports on the performance and competitiveness of the retail electricity and gas markets in NSW for 2018-19.
In a previous article, we explored at how the energy mix is changing, and how lower-cost-renewables are creating a demand profile that is marked by peaks and troughs. Now we take a look at how the future of energy storage can help manage that changing demand profile.
AGL recently made a submission in response to the Australian Energy Market Operator’s Issues Paper, Customer switching in the NEM. A copy of our submission is available here.
Today is the United Nations’ International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women. As a company with 3.7 million customers and 3,700 employees, we have the power to make a real impact towards achieving respect and equality for all – which is why we must speak up to stamp out Family and Domestic Violence (FDV) in Australia.
AGL submission on emergency reserves in Victoria AGL has made a submission on a rule change that would allow emergency reserves (RERT) to be procured for up to three years in Victoria.
AGL recently responded to the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (OAIC) consultation on the Privacy Safeguard Guideline for the Consumer Data Right (CDR).
More than 30 km of heavy-duty conveyer belts support the Latrobe Valley’s Loy Yang A power station in Victoria – and invariably, these conveyer belts get damaged and have to be repaired. The 50-80 repairs – or belt splices – that are completed each year are carried out by contractors from Belle Banne Conveyer Services. After a spate of knife-injuries at parent company Fenner Dunlop, they asked – is it possible to make these repairs without knives, and decrease the injury rate?
In this new world where supply and consumption of electricity is ‘contestable’ – that is, where participants can buy from and sell to whomever will give them the best deal – a new, critical piece of the puzzle was needed. In 1998, the National Electricity Market (NEM) was created.
AGL does not consider that the case has been made to move ahead now with a substantial redesign of NEM at this time. We consider the proposed arrangements contain considerable implementation risks that have not been fully considered, and which risk reducing market liquidity, efficiency and investor confidence.
Diversity in our ideas and our people is important – but more than that, it’s vital to foster viable career pathways that the best and brightest of the next generation want to pursue. That’s why we’re connecting with young STEM students and leaders – the innovators who will shape the world’s technical, social, and commercial future. We’re also leading the way when it comes to improving gender equality in energy.
AGL Energy (AGL) welcomes the opportunity to provide feedback on the Australian Energy Market Commission’s (AEMC’s) draft determination into Reducing Customers’ Switching Times (project number ERC0276/RRC0031).
AGL Energy (AGL) welcomes the opportunity to comment on the Australian Energy Market Commission’s (AEMC) consultation paper on the proposed Primary Frequency Response (PFR) rule changes ERC0263, ERC0274, and ERC0277.
The influx of utility-scale renewables and rooftop solar means there’s a greater need for highly flexible firming energy sources which can be activated at a moment’s notice during times of high demand. The Barker Inlet Power Station (or BIPS) is nearing the final stages of construction, and it exemplifies this firming capacity.
AGL Energy (AGL) welcomes the opportunity to provide comment on the Review of the South Australian (SA) Residential Energy Efficiency Scheme (REES) Directions Paper, published by the Department for Energy and Mining (the Department) in October 2019.
AGL Energy Limited (AGL) welcomes the opportunity to make a submission to the Senate Economics References Committee inquiry into Australia’s Oil and Gas reserves. In particular, we would like to make some observations on the current challenges securing gas supply in south-eastern Australia.
AGL Energy (AGL) welcomes the South Australian Government’s focus on sustainable growth opportunities for the energy and mining sectors and the opportunity to comment on the Department for Energy and Mining’s Consultation Paper (Consultation Paper).
In the middle of the day, the abundance of rooftop solar often produces more energy than the grid needs… but when the sun goes down and everyone heads home, energy demand soars. What are the implications?
AGL is supportive of the AEMC’s draft decision to give Transmission network businesses access to funding for innovative demand management projects. This may help to minimise network investment costs over the long-term, by identifying and learning from demand management alternatives.
The AEMC has made a draft decision on reforms to the Victorian gas market that are an improvement on the current market design. AGL makes some suggestions that we consider could be a lower cost option to implement.
Read AGL's submission to the Independent Accountability Panel.
Do you know your VPPs from your DMOs? Your PVs from your EVs? And just what is the Paris Agreement anyway? We’ve compiled the most commonly used terms from the energy sector in a handy reference.
AGL recently submitted a response to the Australian Energy Regulator in relation to the Default Market Offer Price 2020-21
AGL’s submission to the Essential Service Commission in response to its draft decision on the Victorian Default Offer.
AGL has made a submission to the AEMC on options to improve the market operator’s ability to restart the electricity system after a widespread blackout.
People have been harnessing the power of flowing water for millenia – but how does hydro power fit into our energy mix today?
AGL Energy (AGL) welcomes the opportunity to comment on the Essential Services Commission of Victoria’s (ESC) draft decision on the Compliance and Performance Reporting requirements (draft guideline).
AGL Energy Limited (AGL) welcomes the opportunity to provide comment on the Australian Energy Market Commission’s (AEMC’s) Consultation Paper in relation to the Introduction of metering coordinator planned interruptions (project reference code ERC0275).
The rapid uptake of renewables has created an energy demand that is peakier than ever, raising the profile – and the importance – of demand response, particularly for commercial and industrial customers. But what is demand response – and why is it so important?
AGL recently submitted a response to the Senate’s Economics Legislation Committee on the Energy Market Misconduct Bill.
We’ve released our first Energy Charter Disclosure Report on our performance against the five guiding principles of the charter. But how does the Energy Charter benefit everyday people and communities?
On 2 September, the Energy Security Board (ESB) published an Issues Paper outlining key challenges facing the National Electricity Market (NEM) now and in the future, and their approach to developing an appropriate market design for the NEM post 2025.
AGL recently responded to Treasury’s consultation paper on proposed priority datasets for energy under the Consumer Data Right (CDR).
AGL has made a submission to the COAG Energy Council providing feedback on options to increase gas market transparency.
By 2025, more than 150,000 Aussie homes will have batteries attached to them. It’s becoming more and more important to orchestrate the discharge of energy to support the grid during times of high demand. But what is orchestration?
The COAG Equipment Energy Efficiency Program (E3) is currently consulting on a proposal to mandate ‘Smart’ Demand Response Capabilities for Selected Appliances.
AGL recently responded to the Australian Energy Market Commission’s (AEMC) consultation paper on regulating conditional discounting. In this submission, we encourage the AEMC to give consideration to the significant shift in the energy retail market.
It’s important to encourage the next generation of STEM superstars to follow their dreams. AGL Loy Yang hosted a group of Year 10 girls from Traralgon Secondary College and Lowanna College onsite and gave them a unique opportunity to see the inner workings of one of Victoria’s largest power station.
AGL Energy (AGL) welcomes the opportunity to provide input to the Essential Services Commission of Victoria (ESC) Draft Decision into Strengthening Protections for Life Support Customers (draft decision).
AGL would like to take this opportunity to respond to the Electricity Distribution Code Review: Issues Paper (Issues Paper) released by the Essential Service Commission of Victoria (ESC) on the 13 August 2019.
This is Mount Beauty. We’ve been operating in this amazing part of Victoria since 2005, and we’ve created a close relationship with the community there. Investing in energy generation is a priority for us - but equally important is supporting the community and what matters to them.
AGL is supportive of the AEMC’s draft decision to introduce a Wholesale Demand Response Mechanism.
AGL Energy (AGL) welcomes the opportunity to provide feedback on the NSW Department Energy, Climate Change and Sustainability’s Consultation Paper on Digital Metering: Improving Service Delivery in NSW.
AGL recently submitted a response to the ERA’s draft decision on proposed changes to the WA Gas Compendium as part of the ERA’s biennial review of the compendium.
Meera Shanaaz Aneez has spent 20 years in technology – and now she’s inspiring young women to enter STEM too. Her work and life is featured in this month’s edition of the Australian Women’s Weekly as part of the 2019 Women of the Future awards.
On 7 August 2019, the Commonwealth Government released terms of reference for a Review of the Australian Domestic Gas Security Mechanism (ADGSM).
We understand the importance of Loy Yang A to Victoria’s electricity supply and that’s why we’re embracing the best tech to maintain and preserve Unit 2 during repairs.
As an essential service provider, with most of our operational sites in regional and country areas, AGL is committed to supporting our farmers. We’ve partnered with the University of the Sunshine Coast and Lifeline to bring to life real stories of country women living through drought and adversity.
Next month AGL Loy Yang will complete DWPS11 – a fire control and pumping system for the Loy Yang mine capable of moving an Olympic pool’s worth of water 300m high in 15 minutes. Find out how this innovation was managed.
The energy market is changing – and we need to take the lead and look at what energy mix will suit the dynamics of the market. We’re taking a look at the role of firming capacity to support that mix.
AGL is supportive of the AEMC’s draft decision to not introduce a gas forward trading market in Victoria.
The Newcastle Gas Storage Facility is a crucial piece of energy infrastructure in NSW, delivering a stable and reliable supply of gas to meet ever-changing demand in the region.
The NSW Government Department of Planning and Environment is currently consulting on the design of the Empowering Homes Program, that will support the installation of solar-battery systems through the provision of interest-free loans to eligible NSW residents.
AGL supports the AEMC's draft decision to not introduce further market making requirements.
AGL supports retaining MLFs as the most efficient methodology for assessing transmission losses over the interim period until wider transmission market reviews have completed.
AGL welcomes the opportunity to respond to the AEMC’s Directions Paper on Transmission Access Reform.
AGL has made a submission to the Australian Energy Regulator on Jemena Gas Network’s access arrangement proposal for 2020-25.
Under the Climate Change Act 2017, the Victorian Government must determine emissions reduction targets for 2025 and 2030 by 31 March 2020.
The Australian Energy Market Commission (AEMC) has been consulting on reforms to make it easier for businesses to develop and trial innovative energy technologies and business models.
Graduate electrical engineer Junieta Sequeira knew she wanted to be an engineer – and chased that dream, despite the protestations of her family and friends. Now she’s championing diversity at AGL.
AGL Energy (AGL) welcomes the opportunity to comment on the Australian Energy Market Commission’s (AEMC) Reducing Customer Switching Times Rules consultation paper.
On 1 July 2019, the National Hydrogen Strategy Taskforce released nine issues papers relating to the further development of a national hydrogen strategy.
AGL recently responded to the Australian Energy Regulator’s (AER) consultation on proposed changes to the Retail Pricing Information Guideline (RPIG) to align with the Competition and Consumer (Industry Code – Electricity Retail) Regulations 2019 (the Electricity Code).
AGL recently finished a 2.12 MW solar facility at Santos’ Port Bonython hydrocarbon processing facility in South Australia. The modular, bespoke solution is an interesting example for other organisations with remote operations.
The Hydrogen Energy Supply Chain project is a major collaboration between leading Australian and Japanese companies, and the Victorian, Australian and Japanese Governments.
Our Staying Connected program is for the benefit of vulnerable customers but it’s only going to be of benefit, if the community is aware of it. That’s why we proactively engage on the issues that matter to our customers, like last week’s ConnectEd session hosted by Uniting Communities in SA which was translated into four different languages.
AGL recently responded to Treasury’s consultation on the banking designation instrument for the Consumer Data Right (CDR).
On 12 July 2019, AGL made a submission on the Essential Services Commission of South Australia’s (ESCOSA) review of electricity generation licensing arrangements for South Australia.
Today AGL made a submission on a rule change that would introduce a Demand Management Incentive Scheme and Innovation Allowance for transmission businesses.
It’s one of the most iconic scenes in Australian sporting history – but a heart-stopping glitch added some extra drama to the Sydney 2000 Opening Ceremony. Find out how a small group of AGL engineers were involved in this infamous moment.
AGL recently responded to the Essential Services Commission’s (ESC) Issues Paper on contracts and discounting. This Issues Paper offers options derived by the ESC to implementation recommendations 4A-4E and 3A of the Independent Review of Electricity and Gas Retail Markets Victoria (Thwaites review).
Keep on trucking! The first of three massive transformers arrive at the Barker Inlet Power Station, which when complete later this year will provide quickstart peaking power and grid stability for South Australia.
The Gippsland Pride Cup is in its third year – and more exciting and popular than ever before. Especially in regional areas, sports clubs are places where young people can feel a real sense of belonging – and it’s vital to support that.
AGL Energy (AGL) welcomes the opportunity to make a submission in response to the consultation paper released by the Energy Security Board on the ACCC Retail Electricity Pricing Inquiry (REPI) Recommendation 1.
On 8 March 2019 the Energy Security Board released draft changes to the National Electricity Rules related to the Retailer Reliability Obligation (RRO) for public consultation.
On 23 May 2019, the AER published a Draft Interim Contracts and Firmness Guideline, which provides further detail on how liable entities will meet their obligations under the Retailer Reliability Obligation (RRO).
The Commonwealth Department of Industry, Innovation and Science is currently reviewing the legislative framework governing measurement in Australia.
AGL recently wrote to CSIRO Data61 regarding their role as the Standards Body under the Consumer Data Right Regime.
When it comes to family and domestic violence, we refuse to be bystanders. We are committed to leading by example and changing normal so we can address this devastating issue.
AGL recently responded to the Essential Services Commission of South Australia (ESCOSA) consultation on the review of the Charter of Consultation.
AGL recently responded to an AEMC rule change that would establish a trading exchange for short-term financial contracts to be traded through the market operator.
Want to keep on top of your energy usage with your voice? You can now link your AGL account to Amazon Alexa or the Google Assistant and enable notifications.
The 200MW Silverton Wind Farm is almost finished. Get up close and personal with an exclusive drive – and fly – through the wind farm.
Electrician Molly Miller’s gone from being daunted by her all-male classes – to inspiring other young women to consider careers in STEM. Read more about her inspirational story.
AGL recently responded to the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission’s (ACCC) draft Guide to the Electricity Retail Code for implementing the Default Market Offer (DMO).
AGL Energy (AGL) welcomes the opportunity to provide comment on the Australian Energy Market Commission (the Commission) Draft Determination on the proposed Rule change to require retailers to include start and end meter readings in electricity bills for customers with interval meters.
Coopers Gap Wind Farm Project recently saw the largest and heaviest section of the 3.8MW tower arrive at site. This section of the tower weighs 77 tonnes, has a diameter of 5 metres and is 13.6 metres long.
AGL recently responded to the ERA’s draft decision supporting the changes proposed to the WA Gas Marketing Code following further responses provided by AGL in this consultation process.
AGL recently responded to the PUO on its draft recommendations to provide a streamlined and consistent framework for delivering customer protections under the relevant WA gas and electricity regulations.
In April 2019, AEMO released a draft Reliability Forecasting Methodology Issues Paper for consultation.
Imagine 40,000 km of electricity lines and cables – more than three times the diameter of the Earth – spreading from Port Douglas in Far North Queensland down to Hobart in Tasmania and west into Port Lincoln in South Australia.
AGL recently responded to the South Australian Government’s Issues Paper reviewing the Retailer Energy Efficiency Scheme (REES).
AGL recently responded to the South Australian Government’s consultation on the proposal to restrict early termination fees imposed by retailers.
AGL’s corporate responsibility program, Energy for Life, builds on AGL’s local community engagement strategy and seeks to make a genuine contribution to the wider community. The program aims to positively respond to emerging sustainability risks, especially with respect to energy-related financial hardship in the community.
The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) is currently assessing the application made by the Clean Energy Council, the Australian Energy Council, the Smart Energy Council and Energy Consumers Australia seeking authorisation for the voluntary industry New Energy Tech Consumer Code.