Manage roaming in My Account, under your plan's Mobile Settings. Activation can take up to 24 hours. Go to My Account
We’ll activate roaming when you turn off airplane mode and start using mobile service.
We’ll send SMS alerts by default with details of your roaming usage and charges, within 48 hours of detected use.
Data roaming unavailable in New Caledonia and Norfolk Island. Calls and SMS will still work.
In some countries, the AGL app may not be accessible due to security reasons. Make sure to switch roaming on or off in My Account before you travel and manage while travelling via your mobile device settings. We’ll still send SMS notifications about your roaming usage.
Afghanistan | Guam and the Northern Marianas | Pakistan |
Albania | Guernsey | Papua New Guinea |
Armenia | Hong Kong | Peru |
Austria | Hungary | Philippines |
Azerbaijan | Iceland | Poland |
Bahrain | India | Portugal |
Bangladesh | Indonesia | Puerto Rico |
Belarus | Ireland | Romania |
Belgium | Isle of Man | Russia |
Bhutan | Italy | Samoa |
Bolivia | Japan | San Marino |
Bosnia and Herzegovina | Jersey | Serbia |
Botswana | Kazakhstan | Singapore |
Brunei Darussalam | Kiribati | Slovak Republic |
Bulgaria | Laous | Slovenia |
Cambodia | Latvia | Solomon Islands |
Cameroon | Liechtenstein | Spain |
Canada | Lithuania | Sri Lanka |
China | Luxembourg | Sweden |
Costa Rica | Macau | Switzerland |
Croatia | Macedonia | Taiwan |
Cyprus | Malaysia | Tajikistan |
Czech Republic | Malta | Thailand |
Denmark | Monaco | Timor-Leste |
El Salvador | Mongolia | Tonga |
Estonia | Montenegro | Turkey |
Faroe Islands | Myanmar | Uganda |
Fiji | Nauru | Ukraine |
Finland | Nepal | United Kingdom |
France | Netherlands | Uruguay |
French Polynesia | New Caledonia (Calls and SMS only) | US Virgin Islands |
Georgia | New Zealand | USA |
Germany | Nicaragua | Uzbekistan |
Gibralter | Nigeria | Vanuatu |
Greece | Norfolk Island (Calls and SMS only) | Vatican City |
Greenland | Norway |
In some countries, the AGL app may not be accessible due to security reasons. Make sure to switch roaming on or off in My Account before you travel and manage while travelling via your mobile device settings. We’ll still send SMS notifications about your roaming usage.
Anguilla | Gambia | Palestine |
Antigua and Barbuda | Ghana | Panama |
Argentina | Grenada | Paraguay |
Aruba | Guatemala | Qatar |
Bahrain | Guinea | Reunion Island |
Barbados | Guinea Bissau | Rwanda |
Belize | Guyana | Saudi Arabia |
Bermuda | Haiti | Senegal |
Bonaire | Iran | Sychelles |
Brazil | Iraq | Sierra Leone |
Burkino Faso | Israel | South Africa |
Cameroon | Jamaica | St Kitts and Nevis |
Cayman Islands | Jordan | St Lucia |
Chad | Kenya | St Vincent and the Grenadines |
Chile | Kuwait | Sudan |
Colombia | Lebanon | Syria |
Cook Islands | Liberia | Tanzania |
Cote D’Ivoire | Madagascar | Trinidad and Tobago |
Curacao and Bonaire | Malawi | Tunisia |
Democratic Republic of Congo | Mali | Turks and Caicos |
Dominica | Mauritania | United Arab Emirates |
Dominican Republic | Mauritius | Venezuela |
Ecuador | Mexico | Vietnam |
Egypt | Morocco | Yemen |
Ethiopia | Mozambique | Zambia |
Fed States of Micronesia | Namibia | Zimbabwe |
Available when travelling in Zone 1 countries.
For $5 every 24 hours, you’ll get:
Daily travel pass starts from first detection of use overseas when roaming is active and lasts 24 hours.
$5 daily travel pass will automatically top up every 24 hours. If you exceed 5GB within 24 hours, we’ll automatically top you up with another $5 daily travel pass.
We send alerts via SMS by default when you’ve reached 50%, 85% and 100% of included data, within 48 hours of use. To switch between SMS or email alerts, contact us.
If you spend more than $500 on international roamingin one billing cycle, we'll automatically suspend it to avoid further charges.
Available when travelling in Zone 2 countries.
Action | Rate in Zone 2 countries |
Phone calls and video calls | $1.50 per minute |
Send SMS to an Australian or non-Australian numbers | $0.50 |
Receive SMS from any number | Free |
Send MMS to an Australian number | Standard domestic rate of $0.01 per 10KB, plus data charged at $1.00 per MB |
Send MMS to a non-Australian number | Standard international rate of $0.55 plus data at $1.00 per MB (charged at $0.01 per 10KB) |
Receive MMS from any number | $1.00 |
Data roaming | $1.00 per MB (charged @ $0.01 per 10kB) |
We send alerts via SMS by default for every $100 of roaming usage, within 48 hours. To switch between SMS or email alerts, contact us.
If you spend more than $500 on international roaming in one billing cycle, we'll automatically suspend it to avoid further charges.
We’ll send you alerts to inform you that roaming is active and to update you on how much roaming has been used.
We send roaming alerts to SMS by default, within 48 hours of use. To switch between SMS or email alerts, contact us.