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Mobile SIM plans

International roaming for $5 a day

$5 daily travel pass gets you 5GB data, unlimited calls and texts in over 100 countries. Available with all SIM plans.

Comes switched on automatically for new plans activated after 12 December 2024. T&Cs apply.

A fit man and woman in their 50's hiking the trail on a mountain ridge.

Set up international roaming

Number one
Switch on or off before you travel

Manage roaming in My Account, under your plan's Mobile Settings. Activation can take up to 24 hours. Go to My Account

Number two
Arrive and use your mobile service

We’ll activate roaming when you turn off airplane mode and start using mobile service.

Number three
Get alerts about your usage

We’ll send SMS alerts by default with details of your roaming usage and charges, within 48 hours of detected use.

Zone and pricing details

Data roaming unavailable in New Caledonia and Norfolk Island. Calls and SMS will still work.

In some countries, the AGL app may not be accessible due to security reasons. Make sure to switch roaming on or off in My Account before you travel and manage while travelling via your mobile device settings. We’ll still send SMS notifications about your roaming usage.

Afghanistan Guam and the Northern Marianas Pakistan
Albania Guernsey Papua New Guinea
Armenia Hong Kong Peru
Austria Hungary Philippines
Azerbaijan Iceland Poland
Bahrain India Portugal
Bangladesh Indonesia Puerto Rico
Belarus Ireland Romania
Belgium Isle of Man Russia
Bhutan Italy Samoa
Bolivia Japan San Marino
Bosnia and Herzegovina Jersey Serbia
Botswana Kazakhstan Singapore
Brunei Darussalam Kiribati Slovak Republic
Bulgaria Laous Slovenia
Cambodia Latvia Solomon Islands
Cameroon Liechtenstein Spain
Canada Lithuania Sri Lanka
China Luxembourg Sweden
Costa Rica Macau Switzerland
Croatia Macedonia Taiwan
Cyprus Malaysia Tajikistan
Czech Republic Malta Thailand
Denmark Monaco Timor-Leste
El Salvador Mongolia Tonga
Estonia Montenegro Turkey
Faroe Islands Myanmar Uganda
Fiji Nauru Ukraine
Finland Nepal United Kingdom
France Netherlands Uruguay
French Polynesia New Caledonia (Calls and SMS only) US Virgin Islands
Georgia New Zealand USA
Germany Nicaragua Uzbekistan
Gibralter Nigeria Vanuatu
Greece Norfolk Island (Calls and SMS only) Vatican City
Greenland Norway

In some countries, the AGL app may not be accessible due to security reasons. Make sure to switch roaming on or off in My Account before you travel and manage while travelling via your mobile device settings. We’ll still send SMS notifications about your roaming usage.

Anguilla Gambia Palestine
Antigua and Barbuda Ghana Panama
Argentina Grenada Paraguay
Aruba Guatemala Qatar
Bahrain Guinea Reunion Island
Barbados Guinea Bissau Rwanda
Belize Guyana Saudi Arabia
Bermuda Haiti Senegal
Bonaire Iran Sychelles
Brazil Iraq Sierra Leone
Burkino Faso Israel South Africa
Cameroon Jamaica St Kitts and Nevis
Cayman Islands Jordan St Lucia
Chad Kenya St Vincent and the Grenadines
Chile Kuwait Sudan
Colombia Lebanon Syria
Cook Islands Liberia Tanzania
Cote D’Ivoire Madagascar Trinidad and Tobago
Curacao and Bonaire Malawi Tunisia
Democratic Republic of Congo Mali Turks and Caicos
Dominica Mauritania United Arab Emirates
Dominican Republic Mauritius Venezuela
Ecuador Mexico Vietnam
Egypt Morocco Yemen
Ethiopia Mozambique Zambia
Fed States of Micronesia Namibia Zimbabwe

Available when travelling in Zone 1 countries.

For $5 every 24 hours, you’ll get:

  • 5GB of data each day
  • Unlimited calls and SMS
  • Video calls and MMS included in data usage

Daily travel pass starts from first detection of use overseas when roaming is active and lasts 24 hours.

$5 daily travel pass will automatically top up every 24 hours. If you exceed 5GB within 24 hours, we’ll automatically top you up with another $5 daily travel pass.

We send alerts via SMS by default when you’ve reached 50%, 85% and 100% of included data, within 48 hours of use. To switch between SMS or email alerts, contact us.

If you spend more than $500 on international roamingin one billing cycle, we'll automatically suspend it to avoid further charges.

International roaming explained

Available when travelling in Zone 2 countries.

Action Rate in Zone 2 countries
Phone calls and video calls $1.50 per minute
Send SMS to an Australian or non-Australian numbers $0.50
Receive SMS from any number Free
Send MMS to an Australian number Standard domestic rate of $0.01 per 10KB, plus data charged at $1.00 per MB
Send MMS to a non-Australian number Standard international rate of $0.55 plus data at $1.00 per MB (charged at $0.01 per 10KB)
Receive MMS from any number $1.00
Data roaming $1.00 per MB (charged @ $0.01 per 10kB)


We send alerts via SMS by default for every $100 of roaming usage, within 48 hours. To switch between SMS or email alerts, contact us.

If you spend more than $500 on international roaming in one billing cycle, we'll automatically suspend it to avoid further charges.

International roaming explained

We’ll send you alerts to inform you that roaming is active and to update you on how much roaming has been used.

We send roaming alerts to SMS by default, within 48 hours of use. To switch between SMS or email alerts, contact us.

International roaming explained

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