AGL Energy (AGL) has established a new forum for engagement with the local community surrounding the Newcastle Gas Storage Facility (NGSF).
The NGSF Community Dialogue Group (CDG) met for the first time on Wednesday 21 June, at the Hunter Region Botanic Gardens.
AGL NSW Senior Manager Government and Community Relations Dianne Knott, said the new group has been established to enable AGL, local businesses and members of the local community to share ideas, provide feedback and learn more about NGSF operations and broader AGL activities.
“The NGSF CDG will act as a channel to help AGL understand the community’s areas of interest regarding our operations and improve our communication, education and notification with the Tomago and Hunter communities.
“We expect to meet biannually, however additional meetings may also be called from time to time as needed, in consultation with the Chairperson.
Lisa Andrews, an independent chairperson, has been selected to chair the new group.
“We are delighted that Lisa is Chair of the group. Lisa has extensive experience facilitating various meetings and groups in the energy resource sector and extractive industries, including a NSW Ministerial appointment,” Ms Knott said.
The NGSF CDG comprises several community members including representatives from environment organisations, councils, wildlife aid groups, local Indigenous organisations, joining members of the AGL project team.
Ms Knott said that interested members of the community are still welcome to apply to join the CDG.
“It is our hope the group will become a trusted and valued avenue for communication with our local community, and we encourage people to attend future meetings.
“We will soon start to work with the CDG to help shape our local community investment strategy, which we hope will be of great interest to the community,” Ms Knott said.
Minutes of each meeting are available on the AGL website under Newcastle Gas Storage Facility. To apply, contact the independent Chair Lisa Andrews on by 14 July.
About the Newcastle Gas Storage Facility
The Newcastle Gas Storage Facility (NGSF) stores and handles large quantities of liquefied natural gas (LNG). LNG is an essential energy source, and is supplied to more than a million industrial and commercial users in NSW, such as hospitals, schools, businesses and residential customers.
The facility helps AGL meet peak gas market requirements, and provides additional gas supply security during disruption events.
The NGSF has been in operation since June 2015, and is located in Tomago approximately 20km north-west of Newcastle, and 8km south of Raymond Terrace.
The NGSF Community Dialogue Group
Left to Right: Alex Fitzpatrick (AGL), Jill Dean (Hunter Wildlife Rescue), Lisa Andrews (Independent Chairperson), Audrey Koosmen (Hunter Wildlife Rescue), Dianne Ball (Wahroonga Aboriginal Corporation), Robert Beautement (Hunter Region Botanic Gardens), Cr Geoff Dingle (Port Stephens Council), Aaron Clifton (AGL).
About AGL
AGL is committed to helping shape a sustainable energy future for Australia. We operate the country’s largest electricity generation portfolio, we’re its largest ASX-listed investor in renewable energy, and we have more than 3.5 million customer accounts. Proudly Australian, with more than 180 years of experience, we have a responsibility to provide sustainable, secure and affordable energy for our customers. Our aim is to prosper in a carbon-constrained world and build customer advocacy as our industry transforms. That’s why we have committed to exiting our coal-fired generation by 2050 and why we will continue to develop innovative solutions for our customers.
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