Special local gas offer

Sign up online today to AGL Savers and get 50% off gas usage charges for 12 months when you pay on time.

Receive 30 days' free usage and supply charges based on the average daily usage in your first billing period. Estimated data may be used. Fees still apply.

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AGL Savers is our most flexible home gas plan in Western Australia. Get 50% off gas usage charges for 24 months when you pay your bills on time. Enjoy greater choice in how you pay your bills with our range of flexible payment options, like credit card, PayPal, bank transfer and BPAY. Plus, get a month's worth of gas on us.

Basic Plan Information Documents containing key details of this plan are available upon request.

Explore AGL's other electricity and gas plans

Get on top of your energy

Shine a light on your energy usage with the AGL Energy app. View your usage, get bill estimates, enter meter readings, pay bills and manage your account on the go.

Explore the AGL Energy app

Switching to AGL is simple. Sign up online and we’ll let your current provider know you're leaving. You just need:

an email address

your driver licence, Medicare card or passport

no more than 5 minutes