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  • Submissions

AGL’s submission to consultation on the proposed implementation of the Capacity Investment Scheme (CIS)

AGL supports the continued work by the Department to facilitate the substantial investment required to transition and decarbonise Australia’s energy sector.

While the CIS is primarily focused on the needs of investors in new capacity, it is equally important that the policy design has a clear focus on ensuring that consumers benefit and can access competitive supply contracts, primarily through electricity retailers but also for the large customers who directly manage their own wholesale contracting. AGL has made several previous submissions to both the NSW Roadmap Long-Term Energy Service Agreements (LTESA) design process and CIS design consultation processes, which have highlighted options to improve the schemes by strengthening contracting incentives to drive efficient outcomes while minimising adverse unintended consequences.

Read the full submissin here


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Investor Relations

James Thompson
Head of Investor Relations
+61 403 183 563