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AGL’s submission to the Future Jobs and Investment Authorities Issues Paper

AGL Energy (AGL) welcomes the opportunity to comment on the NSW Government’s Future Jobs and Investment Authorities (FJIA) Issues Paper. 

AGL is very supportive of the NSW Government’s proposal regarding the development of the FJIA. AGL recognises that a successful transition in the coal-reliant regions will be dependent on industry, government and communities working together across all sectors. We welcome the NSW Government taking a leading role in co-ordinating a holistic community response to this regional industrial transition. 

We also welcome the proposed local industry and community involvement in the FJIA and look forward to more detail on how the authorities will be established, and local representation identified and/or chosen.

Read the full submission here.


MediaMedia Relations
+61 402 919 507

Investor Relations

James Thompson
Head of Investor Relations
+61 403 183 563