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AGL’s submission to unlocking Australia’s low carbon liquid fuel opportunity

Achieving Australia’s emissions reductions targets will require significant emissions reductions across all sectors of the economy. AGL is very supportive of the work underway by the Australian Government to develop an overarching Net Zero Plan, which will consider the six sectoral decarbonisation plans that cover all major components of the economy. We note the important linkages between these sectoral plans and the work undertaken to develop a low carbon liquid fuels (LCLF) industry and encourage the government to ensure that there is close collaboration between the relevant departments when undertaking this work. 

The electricity sector has and will continue to play a critical role in decarbonising the economy and supporting a new era of economic growth powered by renewable electricity. Low-emissions electricity has the potential to unlock substantial emissions reductions across the broader economy, most notably in the transport and industrial sectors through fuel switching. However, for parts of the economy that cannot readily electrify, other mechanisms will be required. LCLFs will therefore have an important role in decarbonising fuel reliant sectors that are unable to readily electrify, such as aviation, transport, maritime, construction, mining, and agriculture. 

Read the full submission here.


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James Thompson
Head of Investor Relations
+61 403 183 563