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AGL’s response to proposed changes to the GreenPower program rules

AGL welcomes the opportunity to provide feedback to proposed changes to the GreenPower program rules.

Key changes proposed include:

  • including the RPP in consumption-based GreenPower product percentages.
  • streamlining product offerings for residential and SME customers to 3 standard offerings.
  • increasing the minimum product percentage to 50% for residential and business customers.
  • limiting GreenPower product offerings in the ACT
  • increasing the minimum requirement for block-based products to 3,100kWh per year.
  • transitional arrangements to make it easy to implement and understand these proposed rule changes.

AGL supports streamlining and simplifying the range of available GreenPower products, making it easier for customers to compare different GreenPower providers’ offers. However, we hold some concerns about the tight timeframe for implementation of the proposed changes and seek further guidance around GreenPower messaging, reporting and billing. We also seek further guidance on the GreenPower program’s interaction with the Guarantee of Origin Scheme’s Renewable Electricity Guarantee of Origin (REGO) certificates and with the RE100 initiative.

Read the full submission here.


MediaMedia Relations
+61 402 919 507

Investor Relations

James Thompson
Head of Investor Relations
+61 403 183 563