AGL Energy Limited (AGL) refers to the Notice of initial substantial holder lodged by Galipea Partnership on 2 May 2022 (Notice), which discloses that the Galipea Partnership (an entity associated with Mike Cannon-Brookes) holds:
Grok Ventures, another entity associated with Mike Cannon-Brookes, has also written to the Board of AGL and stated that it intends to vote the shares it controls against AGL’s proposed demerger.
The Board has considered these developments and continues to believe that AGL’s proposed demerger is in the best interests of AGL shareholders as it:
AGL remains committed to progressing the proposed demerger with a view to achieving implementation by 30 June 2022 and a responsible transition of Australia’s energy system.
The Board will continue to be guided by the best interests of AGL shareholders in its decisions. Shareholders are advised to take no action at this time.
Authorised for release by AGL Energy’s Board of Directors.
MediaMedia Relations
+61 402 919 507
Investor Relations
James Thompson
Head of Investor Relations
+61 403 183 563