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Change of Company Secretary

In accordance with ASX Listing Rule 3.16, AGL Energy Limited (AGL) advises that General Counsel and Company Secretary, John Fitzgerald, will leave AGL today to pursue a new opportunity and therefore John has resigned as Company Secretary of AGL effective today.

AGL Managing Director and CEO Graeme Hunt said “John has made a significant contribution to AGL during a 15 year career with AGL. I’d like to sincerely thank John for his dedication to AGL and wish him the very best for the next stage of his career”.

Melinda Hunter has been appointed General Counsel and Company Secretary of AGL with effect from 1 July 2022 and is an existing Company Secretary of AGL. Melinda will be the person responsible for communications with the ASX in relation to listing rule matters under Listing Rule 12.6.

Authorised for release by AGL’s Managing Director and CEO, Graeme Hunt.


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+61 402 919 507

Investor Relations

James Thompson
Head of Investor Relations
+61 403 183 563