A $152 million maintenance and upgrade program has commenced at AGL’s Bayswater power station, the largest maintenance outage works ever undertaken on the Bayswater site.
More than 600 additional contractors will work at Bayswater during the outage, expected to run until late June 2021.
AGL’s Chief Operating Officer, Markus Brokhof said the works include the next stages of two important upgrade projects to ensure the efficient and reliable operation of Bayswater into the future.
“It’ll be all hands on deck for the next four months as we make major headway on these upgrade projects,” Mr Brokhof said.
“Like most large thermal power stations, Bayswater has four separate generating units, allowing us to take each unit out of service for maintenance without impacting the security of supply for NSW.
“Contractors will be coming from across the country to support these works and we’re pleased to be bringing a much-needed economic boost to our region after the impacts of bushfires, drought and the pandemic.
“We know right now; these works play a particularly important role in supporting local businesses to recover from the past 12 months and helping the region to bounce back even stronger.”
The works include a turbine upgrade, replacing the unit’s distributed control system, as well as a cooling tower repack and maintenance works on boiler, gas air heater and electrical plants.
The outage will allow for progress through the next stage of Bayswater’s 100MW upgrade on all generating units, which is set to improve the power station’s capacity by providing enough energy for up to 175,000 homes, without increasing coal consumption and emissions.
At AGL we put the safety of our people first, and during the outage an extensive safety program is in place including hard controls and critical control verification.
Comprehensive COVID-19 protocols have been implemented on site, including social distancing, hygiene measures, mask use and temperature screening.
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+61 403 183 563