AGL employees and contractors from Liddell and Bayswater power stations have been busy spreading Christmas joy, collecting donations of gifts and hamper items for the Singleton Neighbourhood Centre, 2NM and POWERFM’s food and toy appeal.
AGL Chief Operating Officer, Markus Brokhof said AGL employees have been volunteering many hours to help to wrap gifts and pack hampers for their local community.
“Our people are always willing to give their support to great causes and their generosity shown this festive season is another example of this – our employees really are Santa’s little helpers,” Mr Brokhof said.
“Following a challenging 24 months for communities right across the country, we know many in our community will be doing it tough this Christmas.
“AGL employees have raised more than $3,000 in donations which will reach over 600 families in the Upper Hunter region.
”The Singleton Neighbourhood Centre has packed nearly 250 hampers for locals in need and roughly $750 worth of toys and food have been donated to 2NM and POWERFM.
“We have also donated $1,000 to the Singleton fire truck lolly run which will no doubt bring some excitement to the community.
“For our employees it has been uplifting to come together, bring some holiday cheer to others and help put a smile on the faces of many children and their families.”
Singleton Neighbourhood Centre support worker, Melinda Gray said that members of the community have experienced trauma, illness or significant hardship which has placed a strain on their ability to provide the extra financial commitment that occurs during the Christmas period.
“Every year we put together Christmas hampers to those in our community that need it most and last year we gave out an unprecedented amount,” Ms Gray said.
“This year we have seen more struggling due to COVID-19 and are expecting that amount to be bigger again.
“We would not be able to meet this need without the community’s support.”
Donations have been wrapped and are ready for delivery in time for a holly, jolly Christmas.
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