The $450 million Silverton Wind Farm is complete and is now generating at full capacity.
AGL Energy and Powering Australian Renewables are pleased to announce this milestone has been reached following successful testing yesterday.
AGL Project Director, Adam Mackett, said all 58 turbines are now running and generating for the grid.
“This is a landmark achievement and is expected to generate 780,000 megawatt hours (MWh) of renewable energy each year – enough to power 137,000 homes,” Mr Mackett said.
It’s expected to reduce CO2 emissions by 655,000 tonnes annually - the equivalent of taking 192,000 cars off the road annually.
“This is one of the largest wind farms in Australia and is located in a fantastic spot for wind-generated energy in the Barrier Ranges of NSW, 25 kilometres north of Broken Hill,” he said.
“The turbines have been generating at night and now have clearance to generate in the day. We’d like to thank AEMO and Transgrid who have worked to resolve issues around the Western Murray constraint.
“The teams involved have done an amazing job in delivering this project and we thank them for their efforts.”
Powering Australian Renewables is a partnership between QIC, Future Fund and AGL to invest in 1,000 MW of large-scale renewable energy projects.
“Today’s milestone of generating at full capacity at Silverton Wind Farm provides for it to make a meaningful contribution to Australia’s transition to a clean energy future,” Powering Australian Renewables’ CEO, Geoff Dutaillis said.
“This also marks the completion of Powering Australian Renewables’ first development project, and puts us on track to be a leading investor in, and owner of large-scale renewable energy assets in Australia.”
“AGL and Powering Australian Renewables have been working closely with the local community and we look forward to our ongoing relationships in the coming years,” Mr Mackett said.
“We are aiming to deliver community wide benefits, encourage innovation in and support for issues of community significance.
“In 2018, a Silverton Community Fund was established which aims to assist residents to reduce their electricity bills and help with water management in times of drought.
“We intend to hold a community open day to mark the milestone later in the year, when the COVID-19 pandemic restrictions have been eased.
“The project is expected to increase Gross Regional Product by over $700 million during the life of the project which is a great outcome for the Far West region of NSW,” Mr Mackett said.
Silverton Wind Farm: Key Facts
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