AGL and APA Transmission have submitted detailed documentation for the Victorian Minister for Planning to assess whether an Environment Effects Statement is required.
Referrals under the federal legislation are also being submitted for the AGL Gas Import Jetty Project and the APA Crib Point Pakenham Pipeline Project.
This announcement is part of our commitment to ongoing community consultation.
The referrals, submitted together, are for the AGL Gas Import Jetty Project and the APA Crib Point Pakenham Pipeline Project.
Phaedra Deckart, AGL’s General Manager of Energy Supply and Origination, said this is just one step in a long planning assessment process.
“In response to concerns raised by Environment Victoria and the local community the referrals have been submitted together to ensure the full impacts of the combined projects are considered,” she said.
“The referrals provide a fulsome evaluation of the potential direct, indirect and cumulative impacts of the projects, in order to enable a comprehensive and integrated assessment of the projects.”
Ms Deckart said it was important to consider the fundamental need for the projects.
“The project will create a new gas supply source, which will have the effect of providing much needed security of supply and placing downward pressure on prices,” she said.
“Forecast gas supply shortfalls raise the prospect of higher and more volatile prices for Australian customers, reflecting competition for scarcer domestic gas supplies.
“Gas can and is playing a critical role in providing stability to the electricity market and providing firm and flexible back-up electricity generation,” she said.
About AGL
AGL is committed to helping shape a sustainable energy future for Australia. We operate the country’s largest electricity generation portfolio, we’re its largest ASX-listed investor in renewable energy, and we have 3.6 million customer accounts. Proudly Australian, with more than 180 years of experience, we have a responsibility to provide sustainable, secure and affordable energy for our customers. Our aim is to prosper in a carbon-constrained world and build customer advocacy as our industry transforms. That’s why we have committed to exiting our coal-fired generation by 2050 and why we will continue to develop innovative solutions for our customers.
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+61 403 183 563