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Employees at AGL Loy Yang support new enterprise agreement

AGL Energy Limited (AGL) today announced that the majority of employees at the company’s Loy Yang A power station and mine in Victoria have this afternoon, by secret ballot, approved a new enterprise agreement. The proposed agreement will now be submitted to the Fair Work Commission for review and final approval, which AGL anticipates will occur within coming weeks.

AGL Managing Director & Chief Executive Officer, Andy Vesey, said: “We are pleased to have been able to negotiate a new enterprise agreement at AGL Loy Yang. The new enterprise agreement allows for salary increases while providing operational flexibilities that are essential to the long-term sustainability of the site in the context of the ongoing transformation of the electricity market. We look forward to bringing to a close a significant period of uncertainty and giving all stakeholders confidence in the stable operation of the plant.”

About AGL

AGL is committed to helping shape a sustainable energy future for Australia.  We operate the country’s largest electricity generation portfolio, we’re its largest ASX-listed investor in renewable energy, and we have more than 3.5 million customer accounts. Proudly Australian, with more than 180 years of experience, we have a responsibility to provide sustainable, secure and affordable energy for our customers. Our aim is to prosper in a carbon-constrained world and build customer advocacy as our industry transforms. That’s why we have committed to exiting our coal-fired generation by 2050 and why we will continue to develop innovative solutions for our customers.

Further enquiries:

James Hall
General Manager, Capital Markets

T: +61 2 9921 2789
M: +61 401 524 645

Chris Kotsaris
Senior Manager, Investor Relations

T: +61 2 9921 2256
M: +61 402 060 508

Kathryn Lamond
Senior Media Manager

T: +61 2 9921 2170
M: +61 424 465 464


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+61 403 183 563