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AGL issues 2016 Sustainability Report

AGL Energy Limited (AGL) today issued its FY2016 Sustainability Report, which provides a transparent account of AGL’s performance in relation to the social, environmental and economic challenges facing the company and the energy industry.

AGL’s Head of Economic Policy and Sustainability, Tim Nelson, said the report demonstrates the company’s commitment to providing transparent information to all stakeholders.

“This year we have also produced two supplementary reports, which provide a view of AGL’s role in a carbon constrained future and in Australia’s transforming economy to 2050,” Mr Nelson said.

The sustainability report details AGL’s performance during the year ended 30 June 2016, highlighting achievements including:

  • Launching the Powering Australian Renewables Fund, an innovative approach to unlock investment in large scale renewable generation
  • Implementing an integrated domestic violence policy, to better support our people and customers who are impacted by domestic violence
  • Conducting the first retailer-led trial to investigate how emerging technologies can be used to balance spikes in electricity demand due to hot weather, and ultimately reduce electricity system augmentation costs
  • Achieving ‘Silver’ tier status in the 2016 Australian Workplace Equality Index, ranking 13th amongst the 87 employers who participated in the Index and 6th amongst publicly listed companies.

AGL is Australia’s largest corporate emitter of greenhouse gases and the largest privately owned developer and operator of renewable energy. Climate change remains a key issue of focus for AGL. 

“We recognise that we have a key role to play in the development of sustainable climate policy.  

“Our Carbon Constrained Future report contains the results of economic modelling of the National Electricity Market under different carbon constraints and policy situations,” Mr Nelson said.

The report is available at and can be accessed via mobile, tablet and desktop.

AGL encourages all stakeholders to engage with AGL about its sustainability performance through the AGL blog and other social media channels listed in the report.

AGL has been producing a sustainability report since 2004, and this year was a proud finalist for the Sustainability Reporting Award at the 2016 Australasian Reporting Awards.

About AGL

AGL is one of Australia’s leading integrated energy companies. It is taking action to responsibly reduce its greenhouse gas emissions while providing secure and affordable energy to its customers. Drawing on over 175 years of experience, AGL serves its customers throughout eastern Australia with meeting their energy requirements, including gas, electricity, solar PV and related products and services. AGL has a diverse power generation portfolio including base, peaking and intermediate generation plants, spread across traditional thermal generation as well as renewable sources including hydro, wind, solar, landfill gas and biomass. 


MediaMedia Relations
+61 402 919 507

Investor Relations

James Thompson
Head of Investor Relations
+61 403 183 563