AGL Energy Limited (AGL) today announced that out-going President of the Country Women’s Association of New South Wales, Mrs Tanya Cameron, had accepted the role of Independent Chair of the Gloucester Independent Community Legacy Fund.
The $2 million fund was announced by AGL earlier this year, following the company’s decision to exit gas exploration and production in NSW.
Executive General Manager, Stakeholder Relations, Ms Jeni Coutts, said today the fund would help support Gloucester and surrounding townships by identifying investment initiatives that deliver ongoing benefits through industry and job opportunities.
“We are delighted that a rural leadership figure of the calibre of Tanya Cameron has agreed to the vital role of independent chair, with her first important responsibilities to include selection of the Fund’s community panel members.
“Applications for those positions have opened today,” Ms Coutts said.
Mrs Cameron will commence her new role from 9 May.
The Fund’s advisory panel, which will accept and evaluate applications for funding, will comprise the Chair, a NSW Government representative, an AGL representative and representatives of local business, the education/welfare sector, the local indigenous community and a representative of local government.
Ms Coutts said there would be critical criteria for applicants to demonstrate:
“The fund has received strong positive feedback from the local community and we see it making a very valuable ongoing contribution to business and employment opportunities in the local region,” Ms Coutts said.
Full details of the criteria for applications can be found at Applications close on 11 May 2016. Following selection of the Panel, applications for grants will open, with the first round expected to be decided in the first quarter of FY 2016/17.
About AGL
AGL is one of Australia’s leading integrated energy companies. It is taking action to responsibly reduce its greenhouse gas emissions while providing secure and affordable energy to its customers. Drawing on over 175 years of experience, AGL serves its customers throughout eastern Australia with meeting their energy requirements, including gas, electricity, solar PV and related products and services. AGL has a diverse power generation portfolio including base, peaking and intermediate generation plants, spread across traditional thermal generation as well as renewable sources including hydro, wind, solar, landfill gas and biomass.
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James Thompson
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+61 403 183 563