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AGL submits Review of Environmental Factors to NSW Office of Coal Seam Gas

AGL Energy Limited (AGL) has prepared its Review of Environmental Factors (REF) for its Waukivory Pilot and submitted it to the NSW Office of Coal Seam Gas.

The REF sets out AGL’s environmental assessment for the Waukivory Pilot: a four well natural gas flow testing project located near Gloucester in NSW.

The REF outlines AGL’s request for approval to perforate, hydraulically fracture stimulate and flow gas from the existing wells. It complies with the NSW Office of Coal Seam Gas Codes of Practice, released in 2012.

Group General Manager Upstream Gas, Mike Moraza, said that this pilot project is an important part of the exploration phase of the Gloucester Gas Project to prove up gas reserves for NSW.

“With NSW requiring additional supplies of gas from 2016, this project is important because it supports AGL’s efforts to unlock a significant volume of gas in the Gloucester region to meet the needs of NSW families, communities and businesses,” he said.

AGL will carry out the Waukivory Pilot in accordance with best practice environmental health and safety standards. The REF concludes that if the pilot project is implemented under current environmental standards and guidelines, and follows the recommendations and plans as set out in the REF, AGL’s environmental management plan, fracture stimulation management plan and water management plan; then adverse impacts are expected to be negligible or low.

AGL has and continues to work closely with local communities to minimise disturbance and ensure impacts are temporary and well managed.

“Close community consultation will continue throughout the pilot project,” said Mr Moraza.

Relevant documents and further information about the project are available from AGL’s website:


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+61 402 919 507

Investor Relations

James Thompson
Head of Investor Relations
+61 403 183 563