AGL Energy Limited (AGL) announced today that it will expand its water and air quality monitoring program at its Camden Gas Project and the proposed Northern Expansion, in response to concerns raised by local MPs and the local community.
AGL will work with the New South Wales Chief Scientist & Engineer, Professor Mary O'Kane, New South Wales Land and Water Commissioner, Jock Laurie, and the New South Wales Environment Protection Authority (EPA) on the best way to expand the current water and air monitoring program.
The program will be in addition to AGL's existing monitoring and reporting measures which are in accordance with current NSW EPA requirements.
AGL will announce the details of the expanded program on 1 March 2013, in conjunction with the Community Consultative Committee and local MPs.
The resulting data collected from the program will be made publicly available upon receipt of results, and will be published on AGL's website.
Announcing the program, Mike Moraza, Group General Manager Upstream Gas, said that AGL understands that the community needs to be confident that there are no health or environmental impacts from coal seam gas (CSG) exploration and production.
"AGL is committed to demonstrating that its operations remain safe and pose no risk to the community," he said.
The Camden Gas Project has been operating successfully within the Macarthur area since 2001, with no adverse health effects to residents or the environment.
Mr Moraza adds, "While the CSG industry in NSW has the country's most stringent environmental and safety regulations, AGL will go beyond these in response to community concerns."
AGL is currently seeking approval for the Northern Expansion of the Camden Gas Project. Submissions to the NSW Planning Assessment Commission are open until 8 February 2013.
About AGL
AGL is one of Australia's leading integrated renewable energy companies and is taking action toward creating a sustainable energy future for our investors, communities and customers. Drawing on 175 years of experience, AGL operates retail and merchant energy businesses, power generation assets and an upstream gas portfolio. AGL has one of Australia's largest retail energy and dual fuel customer bases. AGL has a diverse power generation portfolio including base, peaking and intermediate generation plants, spread across traditional thermal generation as well as renewable sources including hydro, wind, landfill gas and biomass. AGL is Australia's largest private owner and operator of renewable energy assets and is looking to further expand this position by exploring a suite of low emission and renewable energy generation development opportunities.
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James Thompson
Head of Investor Relations
+61 403 183 563